
Being a helpmeet to another man

Take a moment and listen to Pastor Voddie Baucham teach on Biblical Womanhood on YouTube. It is a 8-part series and really good. He says it like it is, never mincing his words. You can also visit his ministry website at Voddie Baucham Ministries. I was listening to Part 3 on the night my baby […] Read more…

Little Helpers

When I had many littles, life with them was much tougher than it is today when I have a 11 and 9 year old. I think it was hardest when I had 3, 5 and under and then when I had 5, 7 and under.  Despite training the older ones to be much more independant than […] Read more…

Stressful Car Rides

Ahh! I actually posted this on my other blog. That’s how sleep deprived I am! Anyway, this post should belong here…. Today, we went to the Singapore Discovery Centre in our Two Cars. The younger children rode with me since all the car seats and boosters are in the MPV. Today also marked  the 1st time the […] Read more…

We Survived!

7 children : 11yrs down to 6 weeks old baby. Me alone with them for 3 days and 2 nights. Yep, the good Lord sustained us all as I held the fort while dh got to enjoy solitude and silence at the Silent Retreat (Sat-Mon) he organised for his students from CVSOM. It wasn’t as […] Read more…

He’s 11!

On Monday, my oldest child turned 11! And that means I have been a mom for the past 11 years – amazing. Especially since I have never wanted to have children ever since I could remember. Being maternal, cooing over babies and playing with children – all these are just so not me. And yet, here I […] Read more…

Sleep deprivation is a form of torture

Sleep Deprivation is a Form of Torture

Yes, I am quite sure of it. I read before that prisoners were often deprived of sleep to make them spill the beans or ensure that they are more compliant. Running on caffeine And since moms are real experts at surviving it, perhaps we will make good spies and double agents a la James Bond […] Read more…

Another Toddler and Baby Moment

Ahhh!!!! Those who have no help at home but have to handle a baby and a toddler will surely sympathise with me! Today, I had one of those days with the baby. You know, the kind that has the baby refusing to nap more than 15 to 20 minutes? And then she only does it […] Read more…

Two Cars

As we celebrated baby’s 1 month yesterday, it was also the 1st time we went out as an entire family in two cars! Yes, for those of you who have been wondering how we are going to get around now that we have outgrown our MPV, our car problem has been solved by buying a […] Read more…

She’s 1 Month Old!

Yes, it’s been a month since our 7th blessing joined our family. Beautifully “coincidental” her 1 month birthday fell on Ressurection Sunday. So we catered some food and cakes to share with our church family who has been so marvellously supportive of our family. I was rather stressed at the thought of having to handle […] Read more…

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