
Slow, small and steady steps help you achieve your goals

Take Slow, Small, and Steady Steps to Achieve Your Goals

Why do so many people fail at their New Year resolutions? It is because the steps required to achieve their goals is unsustainable in the long run. In other words, they couldn’t keep up with the changes. They are over-ambitious and set up overly big goals that require too many changes to happen to get there. I say, “slow, small, and steady steps wins the race.” Read more…. Read more…

No and your toddler. Have you tried to say NO to him?

Just say “no”

No and your toddler seem like oil and water. They don’t mix. But the toddler can be taught to respect the word, “no”. If you are firm and consistent. Teach him well and you will have laid the foundation of your parenting years ahead. No, I am not guaranteeing it will be totally smooth but it will be more pleasant. Read more…

Ever feel that you are held hostage by your children? Don't. Giving in to a child's demands or suffer their temper tantrums is not love.

Held Hostage by the Children!

Do you sometimes feel that you are held hostage by your children? I have been reading and hearing about children who rule the home with their behaviour and it makes me sad. They have become the kings and queens that their parents have to pay homage to. We need to be firm and parent in love. Read more…

Discipline child with the rod or time out?

The Rod? Time Out?

If applied correctly and consistently, spanking should stop by the time the child turns 8. As he/she grows in maturity and show responsible behaviour, other methods of disciplining must be used. Otherwise, it can damage the relationship between parent and child. Read more…