Archippus Awakening

Mid-Year Review

Mid-Year Review

June is a great time to do a mid-year review or a stock take of what’s happened so far. Are you on track to fulfilling your assignments from the Lord? And hitting the goals you set up at the beginning of the year? Or do you need to tweak things to get to the end of the year triumphant? Don’t waste the rest of the year rushing around like a headless chicken and accomplishing nothing.  Read more…

Goal Setting needs to start with God. Don't just ask God to bless your plans. Start with Him.

Goal Setting

As we head towards 31st December, many are talking about reviewing the year that is winding down and setting goals to prepare for the year ahead. Are you caught up in it, too? Goals are good because we all know that if we do not aim for anything, we will hit it every time. But what should our goals be? As you sit and write out your goals, do not forget this important piece of your goal setting plan.  Read more…

Need an Alignment Check so that you know what God is calling you to?

What Is God Calling You To? Need an Alignment Check?

Have you asked, “Should I stay at home or should I go out and work?” Mama, that is the wrong question to ask. Ask instead, “What is God calling me to? And can I fulfil it better as a stay at home mother or as a work out of home mother? But do you know what Is God calling you to? Do you know what your assignment from the Lord is? Are you fulfilling it? Read more…

July 2018 marks my entry into my Year of Jubilee. Exciting days ahead!

Entering My Year of Jubilee

The Year of Jubilee: loans and debts were erased. Slaves were released. Land was returned. The people had freedom and rest. Everything was re-set. And that is exactly how I am viewing my Year of Jubilee. Freedom. Rest. Re-set. A new beginning. But even as I rest in the Lord, I must not forget to press on to fulfil the assignments He has given to me as time is running out. Read more…

What is your assignment for the Lord in this season of your life? If you don’t know what He is calling you to do, how then can you be fulfilling your assignment?

Are You Fulfilling Your Assignment?

What is your assignment for the Lord in this season of your life? Is it to be a stay-at-home-mother, or is it to care for your elderly parents, or perhaps is it to invest in the community that you have been placed into? If you don’t know what He is calling you to do, how then can you be fulfilling your assignment? Read more…

Living a Purposeful Life

In order to live a purposeful life, we need to first know what the Lord has called us to and then to live our lives doing our best to fulfil our calling. Let us not waste our time here on earth with meaningless and fruitless activities. And in the process, descend into depression and a woe-is-me mentality. Read more…

Podcasts keep me company

Ironing. Give me ironing, and even toilet washing – mine, not yours! – over cooking any day. Yeah, I am one of those rare (and strange) people who prefer to clean and iron rather than cook or bake. Why? It is the only time I get to listen to podcasts or watch YouTube videos in peace! […] Read more…

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