
7 PSLEs 7 Benchmarks

7 Children, 7 PSLEs, 7 PSLE Benchmarks

In Singapore, homeschooled children need to not only sit for PSLE the year they turn 12 but also clear the benchmark set by the Ministry of Education (MOE). This benchmark is pegged at the 33rd percentile PSLE aggregate score of all students taking four standard-level subjects in the PSLE that year. What this means is […] Read more…

A planner is a tool, not a magic wand. It needs to be used to be effective.

A Planner Is A Tool, Not A Magic Wand

While a beautiful planner can motivate you to keep doing what you are doing, remember that it is only a tool to help us in our assignments as mothers. We still have to do the work. It is not a magic wand that we can wave around and voila! meals are cooked, the house is cleaned and homeschool is done. If only! So what kind of planner should we get to help us be more productive? Read more…

Teaching Our Children To Read

Teaching Our Children to Read

Teaching our children to read has been very gratifying. We started out using no curriculum, then used Christ-Centered Curriculum, Explode the Code and the Funnix Reading Programme, supplemented with simple readers.  Read more…

Mid-Year Review

Mid-Year Review

June is a great time to do a mid-year review or a stock take of what’s happened so far. Are you on track to fulfilling your assignments from the Lord? And hitting the goals you set up at the beginning of the year? Or do you need to tweak things to get to the end of the year triumphant? Don’t waste the rest of the year rushing around like a headless chicken and accomplishing nothing.  Read more…

Featured Image for Homeschooling After PSLE.

Homeschooling After PSLE

A common question homeschoolers in Singapore get and even ask each other during the PSLE year and especially after PSLE is, “Are you going to continue homeschooling after PSLE? I address common questions raised when you say you are going to homeschool beyond PSLE plus the pros and cons of doing so. Read more…

PSLE Round 6

PSLE Round 6: Thoughts on the 2019 Maths Paper

Like everyone else, she found the 2019 PSLE Maths paper challenging and was stumped. However, by the grace of God, she did not panic but instead remembered to pray. And God graciously answered her prayers. And she “suddenly” knew how to solve the problem sums which a moment ago had stumped her. All praise and glory to God! Read more…

All Things PSLE is covered in this roundup post to encourage you.

All Things PSLE

Contrary to popular belief, homeschoolers are NOT exempt from PSLE. In fact, it is one of the MAIN criteria we have to fulfil if we want to homeschool, amongst increasingly numerous criteria these days. And as homeschoolers, we cannot just pass PSLE like public-schooled children. Here’s a compilation of 8 posts on all things PSLE I have written to encourage you as you prepare for it. Read more…

Habit Trackers keep us on track.

Use Habit Trackers for Consistency

Being consistent is hard. There are many things we are able to force ourselves to do if it is a one-off project. But to consistently do something is where many of us fail. Such as exercising or reading the Bible daily. Even when it is for the good of our children such as reading aloud to them daily, we fail or forget. But there is a simple resource that can help you achieve your goals – Habit Trackers. Read more…

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