Sharing is caring, please pass this along!

I suppose receiving nasty and/or rude comments comes with the territory of having an open blog and allowing people to comment on it. But it still gets to me.

Sometimes I get all riled up. Other times I get annoyed. Sometimes I choose not to publish the comments. But other times I do and even respond.

It all depends on how nasty the comments are. And my mood 🙂 Afterall, this is *my* blog. Don’t read it if you hate what I stand for or disagree with my philosophy of life. There’s no need for name calling and rude remarks.

Sharing is caring, please pass this along!

8 Comments on Nasty Comments

  1. That is why I don’t open my blog to comments. I don’t have the time nor the inclination to entertain comments. Mine is really my own personal blog! My cousin who works in Nuffnang even suggested that I should put Nuffnang ads. But that’d mean I have to make my blog public which I refused..won’t do it just to earn that little bit of money. Not worth it 😛

  2. You mean there are people who actually post nasty comments on your blog? That’s really rude. This is your blog, so of course you’ll be posting YOUR philosophy of life and YOUR opinions. And of course, there will be others with differing opinions, but that doesn’t give them the right to be rude or nasty. Like you said, they should just NOT read anymore. Seriously, these people need to get a life. Or start blogging themselves and mind their own business.

  3. I’m sorry you’ve gotten nasty comments! I guess the nasty commenters haven’t found my blog yet, b/c I haven’t had that problem. I moderate comments anyway, though, just in case!

    • Ya. Some have been downright rude. Others call me names. Oh well. Tammy that’s why I moderate my posts too. 🙂

  4. This will happen as your blog readership grows. Getting hate mail is not unusual at all. People make judgments of you and think they know you once they read your blog…

  5. I just made the decision to lock my blog too. It has gone to the state of not just loss of privacy but the loss of rights to do and say whatever I want on my own (cyber)space.

  6. Thanks for choosing to open your blog, despite the nasty comments from those who do not agree. It really encourages the rest of us (like me) who struggle with mothering. I always feel blessed by God when I read your entries. Thanks again.

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