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Last year I blogged about my one and only resolution for 2010. Did I do that? Yes we did! But unfortunately it was forced upon us. Due to dd’s increasingly bad attacks of eczema we brought her to a doctor who recommended an IgG test and we found out that according to the test she’s allergic to a LOT of stuff! 🙁

Since then, we’ve been making slow and steady changes to our diet in our quest to be better stewards of our health. So what will my health resolution be this year?

To cut out processed foods as our daily snack.

We usually have biscuits, cakes, chocolates for our afternoon snack. Yes, I could bake my own BUT it would still have processed ingredients like sugar and flour – things I would like to cut down for our family.

Since I would like to get more fruits into their diets, I have decided that they can only have fruits or a green smoothie as their snack. And if they turn up their noses at the healthy offering, they can just wait till dinner time to eat.

This does not mean they will never get to eat biscuits or cakes or chocolate ever again. Just that it will no longer be offered to them on a daily basis. Don’t laugh you healthy nuts out there. I am not much of a fruit person unless it’s durians! Yums! 😀 So it will be a challenge I tell ya! And I can be quite sure there’ll be lots of rumbling stomachs in the beginning 🙁

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