
Do not cause anyone to stumble

“Do not cause anyone to stumble, whether Jews, Greeks or the church of God” 1 Corinthians 10:32  A friend commented in my other post “Where Has Modesty Gone???” that modesty is relative. So that got me thinking – Is modesty really relative? Or is there a modesty standard that good Christian women should adhere to? […] Read more…


Since I was introduced to Garry and Anne Marie Ezzo’s Preparation for Parenting (better known as Babywise in the secular world) courtesy of my aunt when our 1st born was 4 months old, I have put all our babies on the Eat-Play-Awake routine, no matter how long or short they nap. It has been a lifesaver […] Read more…

I’m Hiding, Mama

The 2 yr old sure knows who to look for when she needs help or someone to play with. Although any of her 5 older siblings would do, she especially loves to look for her oldest sister (9yrs old). The older ones usually oblige to her requests (more water, draw something for her, get a toy, […] Read more…

My Baby’s Lullaby

My baby likes Chris Tomlin’s How Can I Keep From Singing. One moment she is fussing and trying to get herself to sleep and then the moment she hears the intro to the song she quietens down almost immediately and within minutes would be asleep. Pretty amazing stuff I say! We have been listening to the […] Read more…

You are now a little fat

Yes, my 4 year old had this to say to me this morning after she was done with her school 🙂 I have no idea what brought it on. She just turned to me after packing up her books and said with the sweetest smile, “Mama, you are now a little fat.” And proceeds to […] Read more…

Nasty Comments

I suppose receiving nasty and/or rude comments comes with the territory of having an open blog and allowing people to comment on it. But it still gets to me. Sometimes I get all riled up. Other times I get annoyed. Sometimes I choose not to publish the comments. But other times I do and even […] Read more…

Where has modesty gone???

It is interesting what passes for fashionable clothing nowadays. Today, after my long delayed post partum check up went shopping for dd’s birthday present. At the doctor’s clinic I saw a pregnant lady barely covered in the slip of a dress she wore. The fabric was thin and she had more than half of her […] Read more…

Rush, rush, rush

Everything is done in a rush ever since baby #7 joined our family 2.5mths ago. The only thing that can’t be rushed is her nursing session! 🙂 She sure takes her own sweet time to nurse, very unlike the rest of the children. Of course things could change as she gets older – I can […] Read more…

Tired? What’s that?

As I recently posted on FB, “I wonder if there is a scale to measure tiredness”, I am truly wondering. Everybody says they are tired. When I was single I thought I was tired. Then I got married had to do housework – boy! did that tire me out. And then I had my 1st […] Read more…

Building The Next Generation

Would you be interested to know more about raising your children for the Kingdom? Then come and listen to David Leong, Executive Director of Scripture Union share and teach.    For more details, please click here. Read more…

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