
What About Resting?!

(Second part of Confinement without the Confinement Lady) So how is one to rest during confinement if one has to look after the baby and the housework and the planning and cooking of meals? 1. Make resting your top priority When I did my confinement without outside help, I would make REST a priority, especially […] Read more…

When Being A Mom Isn’t Enough

You know that feeling? That down-in-the-dumps, what-am-I-staying-at-home-for feeling? Well, I was feeling down and God sent this article to me by Amy Hollingsworth (reproduced here with permission) to encourage me and which made me smile. I hope it blesses you too. When Being a Mom Isn’t Enough Amy Hollingsworth I have to say, it took […] Read more…

The Folly of Comparison

Do you ever feel that you are a failure and that everyone else has it all together except you? Happens to me all the time! Or have you ever visited someone’s website or blog and widen your eyes in amazement at the amount of stuff they have done or are doing with their child? And […] Read more…


Dh, better known as Brother Henson, is now officially fulltime with Covenant Vision Centre. Previously, he was juggling ministry work with fulltime bible studies at TCA College (formerly Theological Centre for Asia). He finally graduated with a Masters of Theology in November 2006. It was a grand and joyous occasion for the whole family.He has […] Read more…

Enjoy Your Baby

When I had my first baby, I was rather stressed – just like most new moms. It didn’t help that I was a breastfeeding mom with no real support. And to top that off was a baby that loved to suck but did not like the fact that suckling led to an intake of milk. […] Read more…


All time management books – secular or religious – will tell you that prioritising is the key to our success. And I am here to agree! We are finite beings living in a finite world. In order to work efficiently with the time that we are given, we cannot afford to run around like headless […] Read more…

What Are You Reading?

I like books. No, I love books! For as long as I can remember, I have always loved books. When I was a young child, going to the library or to the second hand bookstore was a dream come true! So many books, so little time! This love of books has actually been passed to […] Read more…

Tips for when babies don't sleep

When Babies Don’t Sleep

You can’t make someone – baby or not – go to sleep. So when babies don’t sleep, the best way to deal with it is to go with the flow. Set very loose routines, not rigid schedules. And – laugh! Keep your sense of humour about you! It will help you not go crazy! Also, don’t forget to manage your expectations.Don’t set the bar so high for your baby or yourself.  Read more…

The Roles and Duties of a Godly Wife and Mother

Everyone knows the Proverbs 31: 10 – 31 woman and everyone would agree that she was a godly wife and mother. Not only did her husband praise her but her children too! (verses 28 – 29) But what exactly is it that she does or does not do that makes her a godly woman? I […] Read more…

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