Searching for "family"

What Are You Reading?

I like books. No, I love books! For as long as I can remember, I have always loved books. When I was a young child, going to the library or to the second hand bookstore was a dream come true! So many books, so little time! This love of books has actually been passed to […] Read more…

Tips for when babies don't sleep

When Babies Don’t Sleep

You can’t make someone – baby or not – go to sleep. So when babies don’t sleep, the best way to deal with it is to go with the flow. Set very loose routines, not rigid schedules. And – laugh! Keep your sense of humour about you! It will help you not go crazy! Also, don’t forget to manage your expectations.Don’t set the bar so high for your baby or yourself.  Read more…

The Roles and Duties of a Godly Wife and Mother

Everyone knows the Proverbs 31: 10 – 31 woman and everyone would agree that she was a godly wife and mother. Not only did her husband praise her but her children too! (verses 28 – 29) But what exactly is it that she does or does not do that makes her a godly woman? I […] Read more…

Sleep training is a hot potato topic

Sleep Training

Before you even start to encourage your baby to sleep by himself, pray, pray, pray! Pray that the baby will develop good and healthy sleep habit quickly. Actually, it would have been better if you had prayed this even when baby was in the womb! But better late than never! And then, be consistent. Don’t confuse your baby.  Read more…

Doing Devotionals With the Children

I have been asked many times what we do and what we use with the children for their devotional times with the Lord. Ahhh! Doing devotionals with the children can be very, very trying! Family Devotions – Fail! We used to do our Family Devotions once a week. Honestly, it was a t-o-r-t-u-r-e! Why? Well, […] Read more…

When Children Fall Sick

It is often very hard to watch your child being ill, more so when it is an infant who has a congested nose. The feeling of helplessness certainly frustrates me. But I have learnt over the years – and 5 children later – that there are certain things that can help. Besides continuous prayers over […] Read more…

If I Could Have Started All Over Again

When I got married, housework was easy. Our apartment was small and we were hardly in the house, as we were both working long hours in the office. My lack of cooking skills was a non-issue. We ate out every day – all 3 meals! Then we had our first born. And we decided that […] Read more…

Encouraging Sibling Closeness

We often hear about sibling rivalry and how to prevent it. But we almost never hear of sibling closeness and how to encourage it. It is as though preventing rivalry will cause the siblings to be close with another. Oh this is so not true! I am testimony of it. I don’t have any sibling […] Read more…

Are They All Yours???

I think anyone who has more than the common 2 children family, anywhere in the industrialised, developed world will get stares. And here in Singapore, where the birth rate is a dismal 1.24 per home, having 5 children, 8 & under, invites many jaw dropping, sometimes very rude stares. We often get the “Are they […] Read more…

What About ME Time?

What about my needs? I can’t be giving all the time, right? Everyone says I need to take care of myself. Mummy needs to be happy! I think this issue of me time is best handled by Teri Maxwell in her 5-part column found on the website. The direct links to the articles are […] Read more…

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