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When I got married, housework was easy. Our apartment was small and we were hardly in the house, as we were both working long hours in the office. My lack of cooking skills was a non-issue. We ate out every day – all 3 meals!

Then we had our first born. And we decided that I would stop work and look after him. Ok – housework was still manageable. But oops! I suddenly realized that my lack of culinary skills was a hindrance to my mothering duty! How was I supposed to provide nutritious meals for my baby when I haven’t had the slightest clue about cooking???

Major panic!!! Lol!

I read books, books, books and more books and watched those cooking shows on tv! I started to cook now – but only for the baby. Our own meals were catered. My lunch was often soup – noodle soup, pasta soup, vermicelli soup…..

But after a while, we couldn’t stomach the catered food. So I attempted to cook dinner as well. Oh man! What a challenge! I didn’t know how to buy meat (you mean there are different cuts?!) and especially fish (what fish is that???) from the wet market. I often chickened out and bought the pre-packed stuff from the supermarket.

Fast forward to 5 children later. Cooking is STILL a huge challenge. But it isn’t as daunting as it was 8.5yrs ago. I still do not like to cook but can whip up edible dishes.

Looking back, there were so many things I should have learnt before the children came. (Actually I should have learnt them when I was young.) I missed that window of opportunity – mostly coz I thought we wouldn’t want any children! And now I have had to learn many new things on the job. Not pleasant nor easy when you have many other things on your plate.

So my advice to those who are wanting to start a family or who have only 1 child at the moment – learn and practice all those cooking and housekeeping skills now! And when you have those children, teach it to them EARLY!

But it can be done. If I can cook for a family of 7 (me who didn’t even know how to cook rice with a rice cooker!), and can even have guests over occasionally, so can you.

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0 comments on If I Could Have Started All Over Again

  1. My sentiments exactly! 🙂 And I had a mum who did everything and refused to let me do ANY housework cos she said I need to study. Now that I am a mother of 2, I regretted that lack of experience….

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