My Breastfeeding Journey – Part 2

Armed with the knowledge that a newborn baby must nursed every 2hrs to prevent a high level of jaundice, I made sure that I nursed baby #2 every 2hrs from birth. Yes, that meant that I couldn’t nap as long as I wanted to but that was a small sacrifice compared to being stressed & […] Read more…

My breastfeeding journey of nursing 7 children in 14 years.

My Breastfeeding Journey

My breastfeeding journey started when my first child was born in 1998. I had a few months of break in between each child. My “baby” weaned in January 2012. I have been nursing for almost 14 years! I totally did not plan for it when I started out nursing my first born. All I wanted to was to give him what designed for babies right from the beginning. Read more…

Enjoy Your Baby

When I had my first baby, I was rather stressed – just like most new moms. It didn’t help that I was a breastfeeding mom with no real support. And to top that off was a baby that loved to suck but did not like the fact that suckling led to an intake of milk. […] Read more…


All time management books – secular or religious – will tell you that prioritising is the key to our success. And I am here to agree! We are finite beings living in a finite world. In order to work efficiently with the time that we are given, we cannot afford to run around like headless […] Read more…

What Are You Reading?

I like books. No, I love books! For as long as I can remember, I have always loved books. When I was a young child, going to the library or to the second hand bookstore was a dream come true! So many books, so little time! This love of books has actually been passed to […] Read more…

Tips for when babies don't sleep

When Babies Don’t Sleep

You can’t make someone – baby or not – go to sleep. So when babies don’t sleep, the best way to deal with it is to go with the flow. Set very loose routines, not rigid schedules. And – laugh! Keep your sense of humour about you! It will help you not go crazy! Also, don’t forget to manage your expectations.Don’t set the bar so high for your baby or yourself.  Read more…

The Roles and Duties of a Godly Wife and Mother

Everyone knows the Proverbs 31: 10 – 31 woman and everyone would agree that she was a godly wife and mother. Not only did her husband praise her but her children too! (verses 28 – 29) But what exactly is it that she does or does not do that makes her a godly woman? I […] Read more…

What Is A Godly Wife? A Godly Mother?

This has been on my mind lately. Just what makes a godly wife or mother? Someone who prays regularly? Reads the Bible to her children daily? Makes everyone do memory verses? Someone who attends church regularly? Someone who attends/leads Bible Study classes? All of the above? None of the above? Then comes the more thought […] Read more…

Using a devotional for quiet time with the Lord.

Using a Devotional For Quiet Time

Quiet times with the Lord gets elusive as the pregnancy progresses. So deciding that I would be using a devotional would ensure that I am at least reading a portion of scripture daily. Otherwise, it would be way too easy to use the busyness of the season to say that I have no time to read the Bible.  Read more…

Sleep training is a hot potato topic

Sleep Training

Before you even start to encourage your baby to sleep by himself, pray, pray, pray! Pray that the baby will develop good and healthy sleep habit quickly. Actually, it would have been better if you had prayed this even when baby was in the womb! But better late than never! And then, be consistent. Don’t confuse your baby.  Read more…

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