Pregnancy Musings – Why Oh Why?

Making conversation?! Ok – if you see a heavily pregnant woman still waddling around and getting on with things, what goes through a normal person’s mind? That she obviously is still pregnant and has not given birth – right??? So…why do people still go : “Oh! You haven’t given birth?”  – duh! or “No sign of […] Read more…

Diary of Pregnancy #7 – A False Alarm

You wouldn’t believe how convincing these practise BHs were early this morning (40 weeks 1 day)! I really thought I was going to be holding the little one at 7am! The night before, I had regular contractions, 15 minutes apart starting at 8pm. It continued unabated whether I was standing, sitting, washing the dishes, etc… […] Read more…

Discipline IS Hard Work!

Met a friend today and she said that I make disciplining the children look easy. Hmm…did I do that? If I did, I am sorry! Discipline is hard, hard work! Not just emotionally draining but physically tiring too! Especially when one is 9 months pregnant! Lol! But seriously – discipline is hard work because it […] Read more…

It takes a man to calm a baby?!

Ok – I don’t get it. What is the world coming to that moms have lost the instinct, the knowledge, of how to soothe and calm a baby? It now takes a man, a so-called expert to teach us?! Watch the video (which a friend forwarded to me this morning) and see how a complete stranger […] Read more…

2009 Homeschool Curriculum Fair

If you are contemplating homeschooling or are already homeschooling and want to find like-minded people to hang around with 🙂 the Singapore Homeschool Group is holding their annual Homeschool Curriculum Fair again. Details are below : Homeschool Curriculum Fair 2009 DATE: 25 March (Wed) TIME: 2:30-5:00pm VENUE: Pandan Valley’s Lounge (building along the tennis & […] Read more…

Diary of Pregnancy #7 – Still here

People are starting to ask if I have birthed. So I thought I should just post a short note to say, “Yes, I am still here!” And please don’t ask me why the baby still isn’t here. I am only 39 weeks ok? I actually have at least 1.5 weeks more to go. Hmm…maybe I […] Read more…

Unwanted Advice

You how people love to offer advice when they see pregnant women or women with young children? Well, it truly annoys me. Especially when it comes from people who have little or no expertise! Yes, unsolicited advice is a pet peeve of mine. 🙁 Let me give you some examples. And since I am pregnant, […] Read more…

The Burden of Being A Mother

When a child misbehaves, there’s a Chinese comment that is literally translated as, “Mother didn’t teach”. I don’t know if there’s an equivalent in English or any other language. But with that one comment, the onus seems to be placed solely on the mother : to teach values and morals, amongst other things. So if […] Read more…

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