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Now that we are back to just one child in diapers, the bag I lug around has shrunk tremendously. In fact, everytime we get down to just one child in diapers, I celebrate by buying a normal bag 🙂 And no, it sure isn’t an IT bag! 😛

Just before I had #7,  I bought a diaper bag with lots of compartments so that I could have enough compartments to carry stuff for the newborn and the 1.5yr old toddler. Normal bags just don’t have enough compartments for me and I hate digging around looking for what I need in a big non-compartmentalised bag.

The new bag worked out well since not only had I to carry 2 different sized diapers, a change of clothes for the newborn baby who spat up a lot, I had to carry a box of tissues (yes a box) for the baby who, did I mention, spat up a lot. There was a slot that held a pair of scissors (to cut everything up in bite sizes, especially noodles and tough meats!) and the toddler’s water bottle as well. It even had a compartment for my bottle of water, if I wanted to bring one along!

Well, the baby grew up and stopped spitting up – yeah! The toddler also grew up and is potty trained – double yeah! She could also drink easily from a cup without spilling it all over herself 🙂

So now I am able to carry a much smaller bag. How small? Well, I had always carried a smallish tote bag. But recently I bought myself a Vera Bradley Maggie bag. It measures 10″ x 5½” x 3¾”. Much smaller than any of my other bags. In it, I fit  2 diapers, 1 packet of wet wipes, 2 tissue packs, my wallet, card holder (holds library cards, discount cards, etc), a pair of scissors, my house & car keys and my lip balm. That’s it. I only carry these things with me wherever I am going. I like travelling light.

Amazingly though I see many parents with huge, I mean really huge and bulging bags when they have all of 2 children who are not in diapers! I wonder what is in those bags??? Some moms carry their own handbag and then a huge bulging diaper bag. Wow! They must certainly be more prepared than me for any emergencies! 🙂

Having babies who nursed is a great help in shrinking my bag I suppose? No need for bottles or formulas. Having babies who nursed or ate what we ate also meant that we need not lug around bottles of babyfood – homemade or otherwise. And being a low maintenance makeup person plays a part too? Since I do not have to make space for lipstick, powder and what-have-yous 🙂

So anyone like me out there? And if you are one of those who carry a big diaper bag, can you share what you have in there? I am really curious 🙂

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12 Comments on What’s in your bag?

  1. my handbag is about that(fake black leather lah), but i think got abit more things than yours in it usually, but yes, can throw in a changing mat plus wipes/dipe as well. the toddler carries his own water bottle. So it’s essentially my handbag – the baby is just extra – yea, he’s so extra. ;P

    • Lol Sam! But at his age, no need changing mat already right? So save even more space!

  2. Hey, I have the same problem, trying to downsize to a smaller bag. My bag typically holds the same stuff as yours, plus water bottle for the toddler, and sometimes if we are out the whole day, I will also bring along a thermos flask with his porridge. So my bag can’t be too small. Hiaz… So if your toddler is thirsty when out, just buy water for her, and she will eat outside food too?

    I like the Vera Bradley bags. Did you get it in Singapore or got it shipped from US?

    • My “toddler” only 14mths leh and she only snacks and sips. Usually if she’s thirsty she nurses or she might take a sip of 2 from my drink or one of her siblings 🙂 Same with food. She’s not very interested. I got my Vera Bradley off eBay! Good deal I had!

  3. Hmmm… I’m probably one of those with those bulging diaper bags! Perhaps its because we stuff in our Sack and Seat, along with diapers, diaper mat, my water bottle etc. Thankfully I’m still nursing the 16 month old boy, so that reduces the stuff in there!

  4. i’ve only ever had 1 baby who needed diapers at a time so my bag always doubles up as a diaper bag.

    right now, my bag (a medium sized tote) carries a couple of dipes, wipes, a couple of packets of tissue diaper, change of clothes for bb, a small tupperware container tt contains some dry cereal or small biscuits as snack for toddler (esp if we’re going to church), pair of scissors for cutting food, toddler’s water bottle, my water bottle, wallet, keys, hp.

    i’ve never had one of those big diaper bags (except the v first 2 wks with my firstborn when i was shy/nervous abt nursing outside n wld carry ebm n a hot water flask to warm milk. it was such a hassle i resolved to learn to nurse outside n just grew thick skin abt it. after tt, i pared down n never looked back. : )

  5. now you’ve got me looking at the handbags. love the olivia. so you got yours off ebay. so tempting tho my bag is perfectly fine. arggh!

  6. I spent quite a bit of time wondering that over the weekend while we were at an amusement park. There were SO many parents that only had one or two kids but were lugging around those gigantic bags!

    We still have two in diapers and two carrying around sippy cups (a necessity at a water park since it was so hot) so our bag was kind of full. But still, I just had two sizes of diapers, some wipes, two sippy cups and a water bottle. I keep a change of clothes for the two littlest kids in the car (Haven gets terribly carsick), but I don’t lug them around in the bag. I normally also have my wallet, inhaler (I have asthma), and some gum. I have my diapers in those diaper pouches to keep them organized and the sizes separate.

    My sister is one of those with only two but her bag is way bigger and fuller than mine. I took peek in there once and she had tons of diapers floating around, a big package of wipes, and tons of clothes. Also a bunch of toys. She doesn’t nurse so she also lugs around a ton of formula and bottle stuff. 🙂

    • Lol Shyla! I am glad I helped to keep you occupied at the park inbetween you checking out those skimpily clad ladies! 😛 Loved your updates! I almost never bring toys. The kids are never interested in them when we are out.

  7. We pace our babies 4 yrs apart, so I can keep it simple. A small over-the-shoulder-sit-at-your-hip-easy-to-get-at purse. Big enough for a diaper or two, wipes, a swiss army knife (the only tool we need, lol), hand sanitizer, and a phone and wallet outside pockets. If it is a huge family outing, the older siblings can carry a backpack w/ needed water bottles and food as neccessary. Believe it or not, they jump to offer help (I think they like picnics ;^)

    blessings, Sheri

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