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Day 2 of #Write28Days Challenge

Before we dive into the mechanics of successfully juggling homeschooling and housework, you have to know what is your why. What is your motivation behind wanting to manage both your home and your homeschool?

#write28days_What is Your Why

What is Your Why?

Why do you want to juggle homeschooling and housework successfully?

Our WHY needs to be compelling enough that we will push through when obstacles hit, and especially when we feel tired and unmotivated. Both of which will happen.

It has to be strong enough for us to keep keeping on. It has to be strong enough to carry us through when the voices in our head tell us it is too difficult. That we should just give up and accept the mess in the house or give up homeschooling.

It can’t be something imposed upon us or we will feel very resentful and angry.

What is My Why?

Let me share with you my WHYs.

Managing the Housework

Managing the housework for me includes not only the housekeeping part (ie dusting, cleaning, mopping, etc) but also laundry and menu planning.

A clean house is important to me because while I do not need to eat off the floor, I need my house to be clean enough because we have nasal and skin sensitivities. Dust triggers and exacerbates nasal congestion and skin rashes.

This motivates me to keep clutter to the minimum and to dust their study desks often enough.

With laundry, since there are nine of us in our family I need to be on top of my game managing it. Otherwise, we will end up with no clean clothes to wear.

As for menu planning, it is out of necessity that I do it. I need to know what meals we are having so that we don’t end up eating out all the time which is expensive. Plus our noses will act up and skin itch when we eat too much MSG-sugar-salt laden foods.

Managing Homeschooling

There are three main reasons why I want to manage our homeschool successfully.

a) Because God. The biggest reason is that God called us to do this. And I want to obey His commands to the best of my ability, remembering Colossians 3:23, “whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men” (NKJV).

b) Because MOE. Next, in Singapore, we need to meet this long list (which is growing longer each year) of criteria in order to get the Certificate of Exemption from the Ministry of Education so that we can homeschool legally.

This includes preparing our child to sit for PSLE the year he turns 12. I want to make sure that each child is ready to take the exams and clear the benchmark which public-schooled children do not need to meet. And I pray that they can clear it one time so that we can get on with our homeschooling journey.

c) Because the Children. Finally, I want to manage homeschooling successfully for our children’s sakes. I understand that success is defined differently for each family. Whether it is getting a PhD or being baker, I want to prepare each to handle and manage his life independently. And therefore our homeschool has to provide either the ability or the qualifications so that he can live a financially independent life that contributes to society.

These are my Whys. What is or are your WHYs?

Hope to see you tomorrow!

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Related Links

Why Do We Homeschool?
Start with Your Why

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4 Comments on What is Your Why?

  1. This is great! I’m a full time work-outside-the-home mom and my kids are in public school. My son loves it, but my daughter has asked for homeschooling. It’s just not doable with our current schedule, but we have been praying and I believe, if it’s God’s will, He will make a way!

    Right now, I do feel like God has put on my heart to study the Bible as a family. Let me know if you have any good resources you’d recommend!

  2. I didn’t get the server error this time! 🙂

    Yes, analyzing our why is always so important, with whatever we’re doing. Sometimes just thinking it through can make the difference between succeeding or failing. Thanks for encouraging us to put thought behind our actions.

    • Hi Lisa! Yay to the no more server error. Let’s hope it continues! And thanks for your encouragement!

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