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BlendtecI am really touched and overwhelmed by the children’s act of love on my birthday last Thursday. They pooled all the money they had and gave it to me as a birthday present withย a little note that read, “For the Blentec* (sic) or whatever you want.” And then there was the home made card with all their well wishes. They were so proud that they could contribute monetarily to something that I have wanted for a while.

On days like those, I could just float onย air ๐Ÿ™‚

And no, it’s not that I am some great mother. It is truly the grace of God. As I replied to a FaceBook response that I have “raised them well”.

I have said before and I will say again, “If you live in our house, you will surely say, ‘God’s grace is truly abundant!’ ” ๐Ÿ˜€ Thank you Lord for these little blessings You have sent from Heaven.

*Blendtec is a high powered blender that supposedly can blend anything. It is also super expensive! ๐Ÿ™‚

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6 Comments on Touched by the children’s act of love

  1. Awww.. I know what you mean esp the float in the cloud feeling… your children have been so… whether you get it or not, their act is stupendous and a great gift itself!!!! So the next big question is- ARE You ready to get it???? ;p

  2. ..and it apparently blends Iphones as well…lol!

    Happy Belated Serene! Hope you guys are well..

  3. Hey I have the blendtec and it really lives up to its name.. over here, we use it to
    1. blend bananas, ice cubes, goat milk kefir and dates so get ‘ice cream’
    2. blend tomatoes, onions, herb and salt to soak the flax seeds before popping them into dehydrator to make crackers
    3. blend beans with tahini to make hummus…

    before that, we actuallly DID blend raw veges but for the lack of good clean organic veges, that seems to have died out …

    so… for fear of it becoming a white elephant, you may want to think HOW you really want to use it before you buy.. but it really can do all that.. mill rice etc…. ๐Ÿ™‚ All the best!

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