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I just heard that a friend would most likely be induced this week. I am so disappointed. With her. Despite sharing with her about the pros of going into labour naturally (which she says she agrees with), she’s going with what her doctor says is best. Best for whom, I wonder?! ๐Ÿ™

The thing is she’s not even anywhere near her edd! She’s barely 38 weeks pregnant!

I know it is common but I just don’t get women who volunatrily get induced without any medical reason/s. Being induced brings about its own set of problems, one of whichย is the failure of the cervix to dilate (well, coz the body and the baby just ain’t ready!) leading to more medical interventions, the ultimate being a c-section ๐Ÿ™

And I get even more upset when I hear doctors instilling fear in women about going overdue and hence in many ways forcing these women to allow themselves to be induced.

Trust me, I know all about the discomfort of going overdue, having had to wait the last 3 times. Yes, it is not enjoyable. Yes, it can be downright annoying and super uncomfortable.

But I would really prefer not to be induced unless it is medically required. And I think it would take a lot to convince me that it is a medical necessity!

I may moan and groan about being big and heavy and hot and uncomfortable but I really believe in God’s timing for the baby. I wish more women would trust their bodies than theirย  doctors! And I do wish these doctors would be more truthful and ethical.

Oh well……………

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0 comments on So disappointing…

  1. Understand your disappointment. There are also time when we encouraged people to breastfeed, but ultimately, they turn a deaf ear to it.

    Which is why nowadays, I let people know that, yes, I breastfeed, yes, I gave birth naturally, and once, without any medical intervention. If they want to know more, let’s talk, if not, I shut up. ๐Ÿ˜›

    • I know but it’s just frustrating coz the reason for induction isn’t really critical. Oh well. To each his/her own.

  2. Interestingly, every friend I know who has been induced ends up getting a c-section. Usually cos of failure to progress in labour, obviously cos the body is not ready to birth the baby yet! Sigh. And most of them are first time mums. Such a pity that their first birth has to end up in a c-section. I think it’s very difficult for us to give advise cos they would naturally listen to their doctors rather than to us! Lynnette

    • Dh says we need to charge them when they turn to us for advice! Then they will listen. Free advice almost always never gets taken ๐Ÿ™‚

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