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People always ask – “no sign of labour?” Or “any sign of labour?” when they see me.

Sigh….I always wonder how to answer them – politely. Yes, of course there are signs of labour but honestly…so???

Here are some signs off the 1st website that google threw up when I typed in “signs of labour”. And I am sure you can find loads of books and websites that give you such lists/signs to look out for.

  1. More frequent Braxton-Hicks contractions
  2. Lingering back pain
  3. Noticing the baby’s weight has shifted downward (or the baby dropping into your pelvis)
  4. Nesting urges – energy spurts or a restless feeling at any hour of the day
  5. Some increased cervical discharge
  6. Frequent and/or loose bowel movements
  7. Possible queasy or mild flu-like symptoms

But let me tell you from experience – it doesn’t mean anything! It just means that you are going into labour soon. And soon can be anything from today to a few weeks’ time.

IOW, so what if I do have signs of labour 🙂 I have been having these signs since week 36, intensifying in the last few weeks. The baby is still not ready to come out.

I suppose they are just making conversation again, huh? 🙂

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0 comments on Pregnancy Musings – Signs of Labour

  1. hi serene

    i’ve tkn to checking here everyday since last week just to see if you’ve birthed. praying for you and waiting to hear the joyous news.

    and Happy Anniversary to you and your beloved dh!

    take care.

    ee lin

    • Thanks Ee Lin. I think you can just check at the end of the week lah 🙂 No need to waste time!

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