Family Vacations 2019

Family Vacations 2019

By the grace of God, we managed two short family vacations this year. Why two? The first was to celebrate my 50th birthday in July. And the second was to celebrate the end of PSLE (Round #6!) and the MOE-mandated P4 exams (Round #3). Yay us!  Read more…

Beach vacation with a baby

Tips for Going on a Vacation with Baby

Travel is now so commonplace. And going on a vacation with a baby in tow is also rather common. If you are contemplating travelling with your baby or young children this coming year-end holiday season or perhaps during next year’s Chinese New Year long weekend, here are some things you may wish to consider. Read more…

When they Prefer Junk Food

When They Prefer Junk Food

As young and very idealistic mothers, we all start out with the good intentions of only offering organic fresh and home-cooked meals. But our children grow up and horror of horrors, choose to eat junk food over our home-cooked foods. What gives? Should we have not bothered at all?  Read more…

PSLE Round 6

PSLE Round 6: Thoughts on the 2019 Maths Paper

Like everyone else, she found the 2019 PSLE Maths paper challenging and was stumped. However, by the grace of God, she did not panic but instead remembered to pray. And God graciously answered her prayers. And she “suddenly” knew how to solve the problem sums which a moment ago had stumped her. All praise and glory to God! Read more…

Accepting Advice Tips

5 Things To Do Before Accepting Advice

Information floods our world constantly. And with it, advice for anything and everything. So, who are YOU accepting advice from? Because talk is cheap. Before accepting advice from anyone, in real life or off the internet, take time to answer these 5 questions. Read more…

All Things PSLE is covered in this roundup post to encourage you.

All Things PSLE

Contrary to popular belief, homeschoolers are NOT exempt from PSLE. In fact, it is one of the MAIN criteria we have to fulfil if we want to homeschool, amongst increasingly numerous criteria these days. And as homeschoolers, we cannot just pass PSLE like public-schooled children. Here’s a compilation of 8 posts on all things PSLE I have written to encourage you as you prepare for it. Read more…

Not Methods or Methodologies But Only God

Methods and Methodologies Leave Out God

We are always looking for methods and methodologies to help us win in Life. Especially if the methods are quick-win types, preferably with a lifetime guarantee thrown in. But when we rely on a formula, we leave God out of the picture. God will not be reduced to a method or a formula. He is much greater than that. Let me invite you to trust Him instead.  Read more…

Tips on how to conquer the laundry

Conquer the Laundry

Do you have laundry under control? Or do you have what is often affectionately called Mount Washmore in your home? Thankfully though, laundry is something that has been manageable in our large family. Yes, I have learnt how to conquer the laundry monster. Let me share what has helped me. Read more…

Don't be complacent especially at the poolside.

Don’t Be Complacent

2 deaths from near-drowning. 2 deaths that could have been avoided. When you care for young children, “don’t be complacent” should be our mantra. It is a grave reminder that we cannot lapse into complacency especially when young children are under our care. Be it at the pool or the playground. Or even at home. Accidents can and do happen anywhere.  Read more…

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