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I need to get this out of the way coz I hear it a lot and it makes me really uncomfortable.

I am not a superwoman.
I am not a supermom.

And, no, I don’t do it all nor do I try!

Most times people look at the various roles I perform and conclude, mistakenly, that I am a superwoman : a human with super powers! A superwoman!!! 😉

But I am far from being a superwoman. I am human, like anyone else and most of all, sinful. The only super power I have is the ability to make milk! 🙂

Yes, I cook, I clean, I homeschool and I nurse my babies till they are ready to wean. And I maintain both blog and website myself. And we do not have a maid or a part timer or have grandparents help out or live with us. Sounds impressive huh? 🙂 But these do not make me a superwoman or a supermom.

The title supermom or superwoman implies that all these tasks get done easily, effortlessly. But let me tell you again – they are not done easily, they are not done effortlessly.

Each of the role I perform has its challenges especially cooking! But it is truly only by the grace of God I have been able to juggle and keep these balls up in the air the past few years. So it means that anyone can do it tooIF they rely on God and not on their own strength.

I am not doing this on my own strength or ability. I don’t have that  kind of strength or ability. Ask any of my friends from pre-children days and they’ll tell you that they are very  surprised that I am doing what I am doing today. Or better still, ask my dh. He’ll tell you I am no supermom.

It is an act of God. He calls, He equips.

Many mistakenly believe that only special people can have more than 1 or 2 children. That is not true. He gives you the children, He’ll equip you to raise them. Whether you have one or 18.

But that is not to say that I have not dropped the numerous balls I juggle from time to time. Like I said before, I am a sinful, human child of God, prone to wanting to do things my way, not His and have paid the price for being stubborn and unyielded to His Spirit. And sometimes, I do get tired of it all that I need to do and feel like letting all the balls drop to the ground and just go to sleep!

It ***is*** very hard.

Why? Only because my flesh protests at being asked to deny myself over and over again. The sinful, petulant spirit within me pouts and whines – what about me??? What about my needs, my wants….But life isn’t all about me is it? Well, at least according to the Bible it isn’t. Jesus does talk about denying ourselves, putting others before ourselves.

Don’t get me wrong. we need to take care of ourselves. But deep down I know my problem is selfishness. I don’t feel like thinking of anyone else! I want me to be supreme!

Some may also think that just because I have this website means that I have gotten my act together. Now trust me, you can’t be more wrong about that! God prompted me to start this website to to share what I have learnt after many years of fumbling around. To be an encouragement to moms, especially young moms. But by no means does it imply that I have arrived.

Hey! Sometimes, I don’t even follow the tips and advice I dish out!

And honestly, the more children I have, the more I realise that I don’t know a thing about raising them. They present strange and varied challenges on a daily basis.

There are days when I just cry – literally and to the Lord, that “I can’t do this!” OR “I don’t want to do this anymore!”. Dh has been the recipient of many sms-es that read “I quit! I resign! Let’s stop having children and let’s pack them all off to school!”

A supermom wouldn’t say all these things, would she? 🙂

But in the end, I remember the call and the convictions that the Lord has placed on my life, on our lives and I press on. Clinging on to His promises that  

The LORD is my helper;
I will not fear.
What can man do to me?”
Hebrews 13:6

and to 

Trust in the LORD with all (my) heart,
And lean not on (my) own understanding;
In all (my) ways acknowledge Him,
And He shall direct (my) paths.
Proverbs 3:5-6

So the next time you see me or refer to me, please do not use the superwoman tag on me 🙂 It is embarrassing to be called that because I know I am not. Only God deserves the praise and glory over the things He has done in my life.

Check out the rest of the other myths HERE.

For more on The Superwoman Myth, check out Jennie Chancey’s article of the same title.


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