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Me time. I have been asked many times ever since I became a mother on how I get my Me Time. Honestly? I don’t like this concept of Me Time. It smacks so much of self indulgence. And yet, we all need a break now and then.

In fact, over the years, as our family grew with our family dynamics changing all the time and the demands increased, I do find that I need more time out. Must be the build up in noise! 😉

A fixed Me Time can help because well, it is fixed. You know when you can get a break. And I have heard of friends who take regular time off for their manicures, massages, tea times and even short getaways. I have not done that nor wish to do so. When I get a chance to not do anything (ha!), I’d rather hide in my room and read.

But I have also realised that the more Me Time I have, the more I want it. And when I don’t get it, I feel grouchier than before I took time off! Why? You know how some people can just eat one piece of brownie or 2 cookies and they stop? I’m soooo not that person! The moment I have one piece/slice, something is triggered and I want more! And so it is with me and the Me Time concept. The more Me Time I get, the more I want. And that’s not good. I know many who say that they feel rejuvenated after their regular Me Time. But me? Nah. Doesn’t work that way. I feel like the child who’s told playtime is over and I have to go do my chores.

So how? I don’t know 🙁 I guess it all boils down to discipline. To be able to take a short break – be it a daily break or a weekly/monthly one and be content with that break till the next one comes around. And if it doesn’t happen, to let it go.

What about you? Do you feel like I do? Or are you one of those who feel great and energized after your Me Time?

And here’s  something I shared way back in 2008 about Me Time from Teri Maxwell of

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0 comments on Me Time and that ONE piece of cake

  1. Oh, thank you so much for this post! I guess I’m like you – the sort who would not be “satisfied with just one cookie”. Just today, I admit I was a bit grouchy because Monday noon was supposed to be my “ME time”, but my gal suddenly had a spate of runny nose and was unable to go to school. I realised when I read your post, that I need to stop “mentally making that demand.” I guess instead of “ME time”, perhaps we can be more productive spending time with girlfriends, when we really need a break? 🙂

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