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It is easy to present a front when we are writing our blogs or when we are on social media because we usually only post the high points of our lives and the pictures where we look good 😛 Sure there are some who gripe all the time but those are rare in a society where “face” is important.

And so it is easy for those of us who are in a tough season to feel even worse when reading posts about how accomplished/loving/smart other people’s children/husbands are. Let us remember that what we read is not what we get in real life all the time.

Sure there are people who seem to live the charmed life but let’s not talk about them, eh? 😀 Just like those who can still fit into their wedding dresses – but I digress!

I try to keep it real here and point you to Jesus as the answer to your problem or your need. I will share the practical tips but in the end, it is YOUR situation and YOUR family. You need your OWN solution which only He can give.

And if I should ever come across as knowing it all, please forgive me! There are certain things that I, or we, as a family have tried and worked and then there are those that failed miserably. And there are also times when what we share had worked for a season and then it didn’t. My hope is that what I share here may either encourage someone to keep keeping on or that it can be of practical help to someone some day.

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