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It seems that everytime someone enters a new decade of their lives there is much sadness instead of celebration and excitement. I see this all the time on Facebook updates.


Have we been so sold out to the world’s definition that we are valuable only when young? That an older person with experience and maturity is not as desirable?

Isn’t that sad, if true? Why should we be defined by our age?

It really is no big deal to turn 30 or 40 or 50. It is a natural process of life and we should be grateful that the number of our years is long.

Instead of moaning about turning 30 or 40 we should be asking if the number of years given to us have been fruitful? And I am not referring to the number of children you have 🙂 Have we made our lives count for the Kingdom of God? Or are we busy accumulating material things? Money, wealth, status, homes, luxury products…….

We should be looking at the milestone of turning a decade older as a chance to assess the depth of our relationship with Jesus. Has it grown? Or are we as immature as we were when we were 20? No, we shouldn’t be worrying that we are older but rather be concerned that we haven’t grown wiser at all!

And I am not ashamed to tell people my age either. In case you are wondering, I have passed 40 as blogged about here and here.

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