Sharing is caring, please pass this along!

I have heard this comment and its variation – “If Serene can do it, so can I!” – uttered a few times too many and it makes me rather uncomfortable.

It seems to imply that I am some sort of superhuman creature and therefore mere mortals should not be expected to emulate me and the other extreme is that since I am truly human than one should definitely be able to do what I do and more!

Both are inaccurate.

One is defeatist – since I am not her, please don’t expect the same of me. The other is defiant – anything she can do I can do better!

Both are unproductive.

Building Up Moms was set up to encourage fellow stay-at-home moms, especially young moms who need more support. It allows me to share what I have learnt – from childbirth to homeschooling to discipline issues – all part and parcel of a mom’s life.

I do not claim to know everything. In fact I am always learning something new – like how on earth am I to wean a 20mth old nursing toddler from nursing to sleep?! Never had to do that before. But I digress 🙂

Setting it up was what the Lord laid upon my heart way back in 2006. It is not meant to put me up on a pedestal so that you can feel terrible that you can’t do what I do or to push you to do more than what I do.

You are not called to live my life, nor I yours. We all have our own cross to carry, our own flesh to deny and conquer. So please do not think you have to do what I do nor do you have to compete with me to do better than what I do.

I know there are lots of women* out there who do more than I do. And they have as many or more children than I do. I spend my time marvelling and learning from them. But, I do not aspire to be them. I am not called to live their lives. Besides, I do not know what their lives are really like. I only know snippets of their lives.

Just like I always say to those who tend to gush when they hear that we have 7 children, homeschool them and have no maid (a standard Singaporean fixture). My response always is – you don’t live with me.

When you see me outside with my family, I am usually calm – you would be too if the mess made by your children doesn’t need to be cleaned up by you 🙂 You don’t see or hear (Lord help me on this one!) me losing my cool with the children, getting exasperated and wanting to clobber them on their heads 😀

Again I say, please don’t feel that you have to do what I do. I have learnt that God gives each of us grace to do what we are called to do. Yes, I do work hard but there is also His grace which has been poured abundantly upon my life so that I can do all that He has asked me to do. You know, that’s where my superpowers come into play 🙂

Oops, I guess it’s true that I am superhuman afterall! 😛

Sharing is caring, please pass this along!

9 Comments on I am not Serene

  1. Hi… do share how you wean a 20-mth of nursing to sleep.. mine just started doing that and I’m cracking my head on how to wean her off. She drops off in a split second between 1 suck and the next! And it’s impossible to wake her up after that….

  2. She’s only 5 months but it’s not too good cos she wakes up 3-4 times at night wanting milk! partially also to get back to sleep. I ended up snuggling with her at night else I won’t be able to work the next day. Nice to snuggle but I wonder if I will be still be doing that when she’s 1 yr old!

  3. Hi Serene,
    I’ve been a regular reader of your website and blog for the past 3 years. And I really want to thank you for putting into action what the Lord has laid upon your heart to do. Your website has truly fulfilled its purpose in ‘building up’ this young mom of 2!

    May God continue to use and bless your ministry!
    In His love,

  4. I’m honored that you read my blog and wanted to clarify a little something. My purpose for blogging is neither for fun nor as a serious business. I began blogging as a ministry, a way to encourage and help others. It remains so. I do not have time to invest to make it into a serious business and if I did, I would be less able to fulfill my initial goals of encouragement and help.

    Although I have an ad network on my site that generates income based on traffic, I do not do any of the things that ‘serious bloggers’ do to build traffic, work with PR or generate a real income. I simply don’t have the time. 🙂

    (If you’re interested in bringing in a small income from your blog, an ad network is perfect. They do all the work and simply pay you based on the number of visitors each month.)

    • Kimberly – I am sorry I misrepresented you. I actually misrepresented myself as I re-read that section! Lol! This blog is a ministry too! Now why did I say I wrote for “fun”?! Must be sleep deprivation 🙂

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