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On good days, I think I have it all under control. I just know what to do with regards to school, home management, allergies, etc. You name it and I have an opinion and a right opinion, mind you, about it.

And then come days that show me that I don’t have anything under my control at all! Days that show me that I am so clueless and what I know does not hold true 100% at all. I stand humbled. Truly, if not for the grace and mercy of Jesus Christ, I am but nothing, just another sinful person tooting my own horn.

Yes, you can guess what type of day I am having 🙁

After being told that yeast was at the root of our eczema rash, we were having a pretty successful battle against eczema. We used anti-fungal creams topically and switched from full GAPS to a semi-Paleo diet with a few grains. I have given the same piece of advice to many people and those who have followed it have found success with it.

And yet, seemingly out of the blue, my 4.5 year old had a relapse, and not just a mild one but, a full blown all-over-the-body kind. The kind that has her screaming in pain when I shower her. She broke my heart this evening when she said, just before her shower, “Mama, I am scared.” She knows she is going to hurt big time because she had been scratching badly from the late afternoon till her skin broke.


What caused the re-flare up? I am not sure. The trigger could be an overload of carbs – she had rice daily for a week (remember, we are semi-Paleo so we rarely have grains). It could be the chicken wings she ate. I have been told twice in one week that chicken wings are the most toxic part of a chicken coz that’s where they are injected with the growth hormone! (True? False?) Or it could be the combination of both. She had reacted badly to chicken thighs before but was ok with chicken wings. I can’t pinpoint the trigger with certainty. But once it started flaring up, there seems to be no stopping it. Her whole body went into an overdrive.

It is tough to see your children suffer and be unable to help them. Hard to accept that your advice helped others but is seemingly impotent now. Why is the protocol not working? I have asked the question a million times. I have no idea. But I will persist in it and I will persist more in prayer!

And I need to repent of pride, yet again. Deja vu 🙁

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0 comments on Humbled…Yet Again

  1. Hi Mamalim 🙂 Sorry to hear about your poor girl. You might be interested to see this (a little dated) statement from the AVA regarding hormones in chickens in Singapore. I try to buy Sakura chicken when I can, but I really don’t know how much better it is. Recently there was a news report about “fake” kampung chickens from Malaysia! Nothing is safe anymore 😀

  2. Sorry to hear about the relapse.
    I understand how bad to be guessing which is the food which is the culprit.
    There is this alternative medicine technology that can help us out. I stop guessing after I send my boy for it. They just have to ‘scan’ the food against my boy’s body resonance to see if it is compatible. I am not good at explaining the technology here. But do check it out, and see if it helps:
    It saves us some heartache.

  3. Lena – thanks. Yes, I know about BRT but at the moment, I am not keen. Many have recommended it but I have yet to see a successful case of healing with regards to eczema. Maybe it is better for other ailments? Thanks again!

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