Sharing is caring, please pass this along!

Friday, 6th March 2009 (Week 40)

8pm – start of contractions at 15 minutes apart. Is it or is it not? 🙂 Doesn’t help that I feel like needing to move my bowels but can’t.

If this is really the start of the real thing then it could be a repeat of my 5th labour where labour started at 8am and I only birthed her at 11pm! And the contractions didn’t get intense till past 9pm. So if this labour follows the same pattern, then I could very well be labouring the whole night and not birth till 11am tomorrow! 🙂

Saturday, 7th March 2009 (40 weeks 1 day)

Officially overdue – yet again!

This was my tie-breaker baby. My 1st three babies were 39 weekers. But the last 3 were 40 weekers. So it is now confirmed that I will have 40 weekers! 🙂

Last night was one long & tiring nite of false labour. Even after taking a 2hr nap this afternoon, I am still tired 🙁

Sunday, 8th March 2009 (40 weeks 2 days)

Still here.

Woke up in the middle of the night with a bad headache and sore throat. Prayed over the throat and for healing over whatever infection that I may be having. This morning – Halleluah! no sore throat. Just a niggling headache which I believe was from lack of proper sleep.

This is probably TMI but I wanted to write this down so I would remember it! I finally managed to move my bowels twice! I had been unable to the past 2 days which got me worried since I had been very frequent before that.

Went to Church and had to endure those well-intentioned but trivial questions. 🙂 Have a thanksgiving party to attend tonight. It’s kinda difficult to give an RSVP at this point in time, you know? 🙂 So the usual answer is “if we are there, we are there”.

Same answer dh gives when asked if he would be in Church/prayer meetings/worship rehearsals/etc… Must drive people nuts!

Monday, 9th March 2009 (40weeks 3days)

The muscles on the top of the belly really ache from having to lug the baby around 🙁 Wearing the maternity helps a bit but I am sweating waaay too much to find that comfortable. Shifting from side to side in bed is an herculean act!

And no, still no sign of anything.

Tuesday, 10th March 2009 (40weeks 4days)

The muscles really hurt and I guess I’ll be celebrating our anniversary pregnant! 🙂

More of the same stuff throughout the day. BHs, backaches, grumpiness 🙂 Tomorrow we have a morning dr’s appointment. I am going to ask to be scanned just to know what’s happening inside.

Wednesday, 11th March 2009 (40weeks 5days)

Everything is as fine as it could be. And so we sit and wait.

Sharing is caring, please pass this along!

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