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No, I do not have more than 24 hours. Nor am I able to do things at a supersonic speed. Although I wish I could – daily!

So how do I do it all? Firstly : I don’t AT ALL. Some things are done all of the time and some things are done some of the time 😀

For example, cooking and laundry are done all the time. Dusting and filing some of the time.

But the key to my sanity (some semblance of it) is to delegate and to cut corners (not expect perfection or even things done my way).

Example : 12 year old is in charge of putting dirty laundry into the washing machine, hanging it up and then taking it done. The 5 and 3 year old are in charge of sorting the clothes into individual baskets for their older siblings. Then each child folds and puts away his/her clothes into their wardrobe. How they organise or fold their clothes is up to them.

So I have delegated their laundry to them and I cut corners by not expecting a well organised wardrobe 😀 The main goal of getting laundry done daily is accomplished.

And so on. With many children, I will have more mess, more work. But they are also my built-in helpers if I train them to be. Many times, I prefer to do chores by myself because I am tired of teaching and re-teaching. Plus it is always faster when I do things myself. BUT that way, they will never learn to be helpers and they grow up expecting to be served instead of learning to have a serving heart, leading to laziness and ungratefulness. And I will become worn out and unproductive.

So I expect that they will not be able to do the job as well as an adult but I let them learn. In time they may even come up with a better method or doing their chores!

And that’s how I survive – mostly 😀 I also go around reading other people’s blogs or asking my other large family moms for more tips!

Sharing is caring, please pass this along!

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