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I like staying home. My children for the most part like staying home. Do you?

Of course we do go out but we probably go out much less often than the average family. Neither my children nor I clamour to get out of the house. The boys do itch to be released to run around and let off their energy but that’s a different post 🙂

I hear of ladies who say they can’t stay home all days or they’ll go crazy. They need to go out every day. And because they are often out, their children also develop an appetite of needing to be out daily. Isn’t that sad? Because when one keeps going out, there are things in the house that do not get done. And unless you get hired help, the house will get more and more chaotic leading one to prefer being out of the house. And so the vicious cycle goes on.

Please, I am not saying don’t go out and instead be a hermit 🙂 But I am asking “Why is there a need to keep on looking at the outside for gratification or satisfaction?” Is it time to ask yourself WHY you need to go out.

Is it because the home is a mess? If so, perhaps it is time to make the home look inviting. Or perhaps home reminds you of the responsibilities you have to fulfil and going out provides a form of escapism? Just as watching the TV or surfing the internet can be a form of escapism.

When I was growing up I seldom went out except to school, ballet and swimming lessons, and grandma’s house. And I was happy to be holed up in my room with a good book. I found window shopping a good distraction after working hours but much preferred to go home. And for that I thank my mom who also stayed home mostly and cultivated in me a love for staying home and not craving for the next new thing.

We need to be careful of the appetites we are cultivating in our children.

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0 comments on Cultivating A Habit of Staying Home

  1. I agree. It’s kind of weird to see mothers coaching their primary school kids in food courts, fastfood restaurants, etc. I think besides being a physical shelter for a family, a home also signifies a sense of belonging and security. To be honest, these days, I prefer to stay home coz it’s getting rather crowded everywhere as well.

  2. Need to go out cos of cabin fever! LOL! It’s the ebb and flow of life. If I go out too much, I want to stay home. If I stay home too long, I want to go out. I think it is a matter of personality. I am naturally introvert so I really don’t mind staying home, but i won’t try to impose my standard of comfort on someone who is more out-going in nature.

  3. This a wake-up call. My kids ache to go out on weekends. I think they got the bug from me. As a stay-at-home mom, I often find myself secretly longing to getaway … a trip to the library, shopping, or mom’s place seem the next better deal to a vacation. Everyday for almost a decade, I am surrounded by an extended family of 8 plus 7 nieces/nephews. I hope when the time comes where God leads us to his ‘promised land’ aka our new house, our family will be happy to stay at home. That time will see me digging your blog for more tips to manage a home….Thanks for all the sharing..

  4. My housework never piles up and I am always getting outside during the day. Dishes are done, laundry is done, dinner is planned. I am one of those moms who go crazy being inside the house all day, and no, its not sad. And no, its not because I am avoiding housework. I am a very social person and as much as I love my daughter, I need adult interaction during the day. Some mom’s are OK with being within 4 walls all day, but not every mom is the same. And there is nothing wrong with that!

  5. It sounds like you are introverted. Just being around people makes me happier. I don’t even have to talk to anyone! It’s great when I do get to have an adult conversation! For my personality it is best if I get out once a day or every other day.

    The house doesn’t get neglected because there isn’t anyone there to make a mess of it. I actually have less to do if we eat out or I bring snacks because I don’t have to make anything and do the clean up.

    An extroverts point of view…

  6. Interesting post of personality preferences. But I do agree on the focus on appetites. Most of the world are restless and unsatisfied so it is when one pine for novelty or from one entertainment to another or going from one country to another. Very restless. We go out because we want the kids to know that life is not about serving themselves only (we only have two so far and although we also let them serve each other, like carrying drinks without spilling for the sibling or helping to fold the other’s blanket, they can be too self-absorbed with each other), so we go out to make friends and interact with others and watch mummy interact with others. When I feel mental fatigue, going out helps relaxe me and I come back refreshed to work again (homeschool).

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