Write 31 Challenge

31 Days of Large Homeschooling Family

Serving the Lord with Our Large Family

All Christian parents I believe, would want their children to serve the Lord. How exactly this works out can be very different family to family. And from season to season. In our family, we have seen it change over the years as the children grew up and developed the talents the Lord has blessed them with. Read more…

31 Days of Large Homeschooling Family

Exercising as a Large Family

Exercising as a large family largely does not happen in our family! Lol! But it is not because we are a large family. Many other large families do. But for us, we don’t for a variety of reasons. But mostly it is because neither Henson nor I are the sporty sort. So it isn’t even top of mind usually.  Read more…

31 Days of Large Homeschooling Family

Managing Laundry in our Large Family

Laundry in our large family is well, a lot! Shifting house, growing children and growing family. All these meant that to keep up with it, our laundry system has had to change over the years. But laundry is generally not an issue for me. It is cooking that is a lot more stressful. Click and read to find out how I make it work for our large family. Read more…

31 Days of Large Homeschooling Family

What Faith Looks Like in Our Large Family

As I considered what I could share under Faith, I was impressed to share with you what faith looks like in our large family. For sure it looks different in different areas of our life. Trusting Him with our family size is one. Another is trusting His provision and trusting that He will lead our children even in their own faith walk.  Read more…

31 Days of Large Homeschooling Family

Grocery Shopping for Our Large Family

Grocery shopping for our large family is tiring. We have four, and soon-to-be-five teenagers. Yeah. Lots and lots of food to shop for and then lug back. We have changed and adapted how we grocery shop for our family over the years. From lugging all the children along to Henson doing it solo to now me doing it solo and occasionally with the youngest.  Read more…

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