
Common Issues New Moms Struggle With

Through my observations and questions thrown at me over the past almost 11 years as a mom, I have noticed that there common issues new moms struggle with. I totally empathise with you and offer some solutions to your situation. Breastfeeding Crying Babies Non-sleeping babies Sheer exhaustion Interference from others 1. Breastfeeding Because one cannot […] Read more…

Struggles of new moms

For every new mom who survives the confinement period without tears and depression, there are probably 10 moms who didn’t 🙁 Being a new mom is a terribly frightening experience. Now, there’s a helpless human being who looks to you for answers and help. But you don’t have all the answers. Most times you are too […] Read more…

A Newborn and A Toddler

Ahhhh! A lethal combo!!!  And having done this 5 other times, it is getting to me. Plus I am getting older (read : less stamina). And it doesn’t help that the toddler (almost 22 months) isn’t very verbal. First off, let me just say that this is not a case of sibling rivalry or a reaction to […] Read more…

Ever feel that you are held hostage by your children? Don't. Giving in to a child's demands or suffer their temper tantrums is not love.

Held Hostage by the Children!

Do you sometimes feel that you are held hostage by your children? I have been reading and hearing about children who rule the home with their behaviour and it makes me sad. They have become the kings and queens that their parents have to pay homage to. We need to be firm and parent in love. Read more…

Discipline IS Hard Work!

Met a friend today and she said that I make disciplining the children look easy. Hmm…did I do that? If I did, I am sorry! Discipline is hard, hard work! Not just emotionally draining but physically tiring too! Especially when one is 9 months pregnant! Lol! But seriously – discipline is hard work because it […] Read more…

It takes a man to calm a baby?!

Ok – I don’t get it. What is the world coming to that moms have lost the instinct, the knowledge, of how to soothe and calm a baby? It now takes a man, a so-called expert to teach us?! Watch the video (which a friend forwarded to me this morning) and see how a complete stranger […] Read more…

The Burden of Being A Mother

When a child misbehaves, there’s a Chinese comment that is literally translated as, “Mother didn’t teach”. I don’t know if there’s an equivalent in English or any other language. But with that one comment, the onus seems to be placed solely on the mother : to teach values and morals, amongst other things. So if […] Read more…

They Have Been Baptised!

Saturday, 7th February 2009 It was a very special day. Five  years ago on 7th February 2004, our 2 oldest children made a decision to follow Jesus. I had the privilege to lead them through the sinner’s prayer and be the first to welcome them into the Kingdom. Daddy was working late that night and so envious! […] Read more…

My Amazing 19mth old

Ok – I have got to boast 🙂 The 19mth old toddler has been amazing me the past few days. Her level of comprehension has always amazed me since she was a baby. But now that she is a toddler I am completely swept away. So I thought I would write it down so I […] Read more…

No, my toddler does not know her colours

Hmmm…I just read off the AsiaParents list that someone is very worried coz his 14mth old is not able to tell his colours apart! And that the child is more interested in playing! Wow! I would have thought that if I had a child who was interested in colours, shapes it was a bonus. And […] Read more…

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