
Argh – A Rant

You have been warned. I am in a ranting mood, so if you are looking for encouragement, I suggest skipping this post. 🙂 What’s my issue? Besides the dog that won’t quit its barking??? Moms who are unwilling to even try diet modification to see if eating a real, whole food diet can help their child’s […] Read more…

Looking back

The other day while out, I saw a mom who had a baby in a sling and was holding on to her 2 pre-schoolers, one in each hand, crossing the road. She was obviously dropping off the older 2 at the nearby preschool. Immediately that opened a floodgate of memories for me. Handling 3 young children […] Read more…

Being a stay at home mother is a great calling!

Just a mom

To be a stay at home mother is considered by many to be a waste of our education. Even in Christian circles. We are supposed to be doing something “useful” with our lives and degrees. Something not related to child raising, unless it is with regard to other people’s children. Read more…

Militant or Enthusiastic?

I was thinking about this recently : being enthusiastic about certain things and choosing to walk against the tide can come across to some people as being militant rather than enthusiastic. The more it is against the norm, the louder (literally and figuratively) we tend to get since no one else is on our side. But this […] Read more…

Teenage years can be tumultuous. That is why we need to keep praying and keep the communication lines open.

Walking the Teenage Years

The teen years can be rather trying because boundaries are being pushed and need to be re-looked and negotiated. Parents, too, have to adjust to a more assertive child. But I truly believe that if we pray continually for them and keep the communication lines open, we will pass the teen years largely unscathed, by the grace of God. Read more…


Nothing like a crisis to make us go down on our knees and cry out to the Lord. In the midst of my crying out to the Lord for healing and relief from the itch and pain, I thought I was hungry for God. But I was actually only hungry for His healing power. I […] Read more…

Repenting of Pride

Slightly over a year ago in June 2011, a spot of rash appeared on my left index finger, even as my then 11-year-old dd struggled with full-blown eczema all over her body. The speaker at our Church service called for those who needed healing and I pushed her forward. The spot on my finger itched […] Read more…

A Story in Pictures

Eczema is a beast. But God is greater than it. It took about 2 years for my skin to be almost clear of all the rashes. I have done and tried many things. But God… It is He who healed me. No, I am not 100% clear. But I know I will be. All praise to Him. He still heals today. Be encouraged those of us waiting for a full restoration of health. Don’t give up on God! Read more…

Man Does Not Live by Bread Alone

But He answered and said, “It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.” Matthew 4:4 For those who know us and who have been following my blog for at least the past year, you would have already known that the battle with […] Read more…

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