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It has been said that “Children are not expensive, lifestyles are”.

And I have to agree. Yes, that’s me with the 7 children, whose grocery and utilities bills have been increasing rather than decreasing 🙂

Break the mindset

You see, it is oftentimes our insistence that life must be led a certain way that causes us to think that we need a certain level of income to sustain it. And with that thinking comes the thinking that the responsible parent should limit her family size to just one child. And  that one would need two incomes to be able to “make it”, to provide “the best” to that precious one child.

Holidays twice a year and preferably not at the nearby countries. Preschool at branded schools, enrichment classes for music/dance/art/drama lessons, the list goes on. Things that are truly not necessary but have, in today’s increasingly competitive and materialistic world become necessary or the child will supposedly lose out.

Needs versus wants

Do you buy into this? If that is the standard one wants to attain and sustain then yes, it would be really hard to live on one income. And yes, it would be hard to have more than one child.

You see, children are not expensive, it is what we think they need to have that makes having and raising them expensive. It is also not an impossibility for most of us to live on one income. Truly,  it is our expectations that make it so.

What do children need?

Children need love and time and attention, not loads of classes that supposedly develop their potential but at the expense of time spent with parents and developing godly character. In the end it is those who prey on our fears that win our hard earned money and disrupt family unity and harmony.

Think about it. It would be truly sad to limit yourself to God’s blessings because you bought into the lies of the world.

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0 comments on Can’t Afford To Stay Home?

  1. I am very happy not to have missed out on being home with my children when they were little. I can’t understand how the majority has been brainwashed into materialism at the cost of family. My hats off to you on the issue of homeschooling, that would not be for me, although the influence of others, from the bus ride to an experience with one burnt out teacher, had brought me some regrets.

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