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Shades of Baby #1 and #6 are seen in Baby #7.

Am I cute or what?
Am I cute or what?

They all have one thing in common – they love to nurse on and on….It makes for a very tired mama and an aching back. And for this baby, she needs to burp after every nursing session. So you can imagine how much (or little?!) sleep I have gotten since she was born a week ago!

As it is, if I burp her after she nurses, she wakes up every 2hrs. If I don’t, she wakes up after 30minutes or less and cries loudly, insisting that she be burped. The problem is she wakes herself up after she burps her super violent burps! Then I have to nurse her again and then the cycle repeats itself! So this also means that I can’t nurse her lying down.

Once in a while (like now) she’ll give me a break.

How fun – not!

And so, absolutely nothing gets done coz the moment she feels me unlatching her, she’ll wake up and look at me with her big, big eyes. Dh has had to take over practically everything I do around the house the past week. Makes me feel a little useless and lazy 🙁

Oh well….this season shall pass…soon…I hope!

Sharing is caring, please pass this along!

0 comments on All She Does Is Nurse

  1. Extra appendage for the next year? Now when i bring bb out, he also likes to climb up on me, or jump around which means i don’t hv an ez time even when he’s in the sling!

  2. Shes a beauty 🙂 big big eyes.. absolutely pretty.

    I cant believed that you birthed her at hm. Dont tink i ever have the guts to do so.

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