Searching for "homeschooling"

Turning 40

In a few days, God willing, I turn 40. Psst…I share the same birthdate as the late Princess Diana 🙂 And in the past week I have been trying to be reflective inbetween diaper changes and cooking, cleaning and homeschooling the children. It is supposed to be a milestone of sorts, I suppose? But no matter […] Read more…

The secret to my sanity is sticking to schedules and routines.

Schedules AND routines

One of the secrets to my sanity in running a household of 9 and homeschooling the 7 children is having both schedules AND routines in place. Having implemented them have helped to eliminate many day-to-day hassles, I am one who generally prefers to know what lie ahead rather than fly by the seat of my pants. […] Read more…

Tired? What’s that?

As I recently posted on FB, “I wonder if there is a scale to measure tiredness”, I am truly wondering. Everybody says they are tired. When I was single I thought I was tired. Then I got married had to do housework – boy! did that tire me out. And then I had my 1st […] Read more…

2009 Homeschool Curriculum Fair

If you are contemplating homeschooling or are already homeschooling and want to find like-minded people to hang around with 🙂 the Singapore Homeschool Group is holding their annual Homeschool Curriculum Fair again. Details are below : Homeschool Curriculum Fair 2009 DATE: 25 March (Wed) TIME: 2:30-5:00pm VENUE: Pandan Valley’s Lounge (building along the tennis & […] Read more…

Not passionate enough?

I just realised that I must be the most apathetic person around 🙂 Although I am all for natural birthing, breastfeeding and homeschooling, among other things, I can’t bring myself to push it to others. Don’t get me wrong. If you come to me enthusiastic about any of those topics, I would most certainly share […] Read more…

How we do our yearly homeschool planning

Homeschool Planning

I do our homeschool planning once a year. It usually includes a trip down to Popular Bookstore at Bras Basah Shopping Complex as it has the widest range of books. Then I slowly divvy up the workbooks over our school calendar and then transfer the plan into each child’s homeschool planner. Read more…

Pre-Natal Depression

While post-natal depression is more commonly heard of and dealt with, apparently pre-natal depression occurs at a higher rate! Just google “pre-natal depression” and you’ll see many articles attesting to this. What exactly is pre-natal depression anyway? And how or what does one do about it? I am no doctor and so I cannot and […] Read more…

Myth #9 : Our homeschooled children are geniuses

After teaching 5 children, 4 of whom can read independently now and mostly above their level, I have come to the conclusion that children learn whether you teach them or not. One way we have helped them to learn is make available to them various resources for them to explore and find an interest in. I have also learnt […] Read more…

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