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31 Days of Large Homeschooling Family

Constant De-Cluttering is a Necessity in Our Large Family

After managing the house for the past 23 years, I have learnt that one of the best ways to keep on top housekeeping stuff besides setting up systems and routines is to constantly declutter. 9 people under 1 roof means I need to be ruthless about it too. Otherwise our stuff will overwhelm us! Read to find out how I keep things under control – mostly.  Read more…

31 Days of Large Homeschooling Family

Family Devotions in Our Large Family

Is it only our family or do other families struggle with family devotions too? Although there has been much improvement over the l-o-n-g years, our attempts at doing a regular family devotion has continued to keep us (Henson and I) humbled. In other words, we don’t do it regularly nor do we always do it with joy… Read more…

31 Days of Large Homeschooling Family

Dishing Out Advice When You Have a Large Family

There are lots of people out in the Internet world dishing out advice on anything and everything. And I know that people expect that someone with more children than them to be wiser than them. But that is not necessarily true. I have two pieces of advice for you. Especially as you walk through the teen years with your children. Read more … Read more…

31 Days of Large Homeschooling Family

Different Personalities in Our Large Family

Once you have more than one child, you cannot help but observe how different they both are. So, when you have 7, the differences can be super glaring. Sure, there would be some similarities. But each child is so unique that I constantly marvel at God’s handiwork in their lives. How can children from the same 2 parents be so different? Read more…

31 Days of Large Homeschooling Family

Planning Keeps Homeschooling on Track in Our Large Family

Planning holds the key to sanity in our large family in every aspect of our lives. Homeschool planning is no different. It keeps everyone on track. With my master plan, I know that each child would be able to finish up the syllabus on time and have enough time to practice with exam papers. I don’t have to guess and hope for the best at the end of the year. Read more…

31 Days of Large Homeschooling Family

Serving the Lord with Our Large Family

All Christian parents I believe, would want their children to serve the Lord. How exactly this works out can be very different family to family. And from season to season. In our family, we have seen it change over the years as the children grew up and developed the talents the Lord has blessed them with. Read more…

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