Searching for "encouragement"

It’s A God Thing

Many times I get asked – how do you do it? You cook and clean and homeschool and on top of that, you are a mother of 7! First of all, let me tell you that I do not do it alone. At this point in my life, I have older children who are able to […] Read more…

Common Issues New Moms Struggle With

Through my observations and questions thrown at me over the past almost 11 years as a mom, I have noticed that there common issues new moms struggle with. I totally empathise with you and offer some solutions to your situation. Breastfeeding Crying Babies Non-sleeping babies Sheer exhaustion Interference from others 1. Breastfeeding Because one cannot […] Read more…

Myth #1 : I am a Superwoman

I need to get this out of the way coz I hear it a lot and it makes me really uncomfortable. I am not a superwoman. I am not a supermom. And, no, I don’t do it all nor do I try! Most times people look at the various roles I perform and conclude, mistakenly, that I […] Read more…

How This Blog Got Started

Building Up Moms has its beginnings as Building An Ark In Singapore on the HomeschoolBlogger site. Of course it no longer exists. This was what I wrote way back in 30th July 2006. “Today, I join the blogging community! So why did I succumb? I had always wanted to write down my journey as a mother firstly […] Read more…

Getting Started on Homeschooling

Those of you who have been visiting my website for a while would know that you can find out how we homeschool in the Homeschooling section found at the side bar of this page. And every 6 months or so, I would review how the systems I have set up are working or not working […] Read more…

The Myth of Socialisation

Homeschoolers get asked this question the most frequently by those either ignorant to or opposed to homeschooling. Sadly, we sometimes get fellow homeschoolers asking us the same question too! Here are 3 links to Gena Suarez‘s (Publisher of The Old Schoolhouse Magazine) Blog on the topic of socialisation. She writes far more eloquently about it […] Read more…

What A New Mother Needs

Having a baby is a major adjustment to your life. Whether it is the 1st baby or the 5th, everyone in the family has to adjust and adapt to the changed dynamics in the home. Of course many times having the 1st baby is the most challenging especially if one has never handled a baby. […] Read more…

What Are You Reading?

I like books. No, I love books! For as long as I can remember, I have always loved books. When I was a young child, going to the library or to the second hand bookstore was a dream come true! So many books, so little time! This love of books has actually been passed to […] Read more…

The Roles and Duties of a Godly Wife and Mother

Everyone knows the Proverbs 31: 10 – 31 woman and everyone would agree that she was a godly wife and mother. Not only did her husband praise her but her children too! (verses 28 – 29) But what exactly is it that she does or does not do that makes her a godly woman? I […] Read more…


The Building Up Moms Story When I answered the call to start blogging back in 2005, it was to write and share what I have learnt to not just survive but thrive as a then new homeschooling mother of 5 children, aged 7 and below. As I slowly got into the swing of things, the […] Read more…

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