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My frame was not hidden from you 
   when I was made in the secret place. 
    When I was woven together in the depths of the earth,

your eyes saw my unformed body. 
    All the days ordained for me 
    were written in your book 
    before one of them came to be.

(Psalm 139:15-16)

I actually am very hard pressed for time since I have only 1 week left to plan out school plans for 5 children. We start school next week.

But today’s Sunday Times Graves with no names article so disturbed me that I just have to say something. The report said that 30 abortions are carried out DAILY in Singapore. And if you subscribe to the belief that life begins the moment a sperm fertilises an egg, then 30 abortions = 30 murders. DAILY.

Mind boggling.

Amazingly the report says that most of the abortions are performed on adult women who are not married not teenagers. Are these women using abortion as a form of contraception?! What are they thinking when they underwent the procedure? Relieved? Guilty?

I wonder how many are wrecked by guilt after an abortion. I was aghast at the comment given by a Dr Jen Shek Wai who was quoted as saying, “it is best that mothers do not know what will happen to their aborted foetuses or “revisit” them at burial or cremation sites or through even ultrasound pictures..(as) only perpeturates guilt and all the negative feelings associated with the procedure.”


Contrast this with the comment of a gravedigger, Mr Japar who says in Malay, “People should know what happens to the foetuses they abort. Maybe then they will not abort so freely.”

Exactly! We all need to know the consequences of our careless and thoughtless actions. Don’t make our babies pay for selfish acts.

And just yesterday I was viewing a video posted on Stacy MacDonald’s Your Sacred Calling blog called Born Alive. It tells of how doctors murder any baby born alive after an abortion – either by the action or non-action. Horrifying.

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