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Yep! It’s that phase where the baby who would be happily playing by herself bursts into tears the moment she sees me walk pass her. And everytime this phase occurs I would have to sneak pass the baby if I need to get things done 😀

But I must confess it is very cute and rewarding to see that the baby recognises me and bounces with excitement whenever I come into her line of vision. When else does one ever get such unadulterated love and adoration?

She’s also into the bouncing phase – ouch my aching arms! She likes me to hold her up and she’ll bounce gleefully till my arms are about to drop off. Or she’ll do her cycling motion while sitting on my lap. She’s one active baby I must say. Now I am waiting for the grab everything I see phase. That’ll be another tiring phase. Ahh!

What I am really looking forward to is her being able to sit by herself and to crawl. I know, everyone says it’s easier when a baby is immobile but I’ve always found it easier when the baby can move from place to place on her own. My arms then get a break from always having to carry her.

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0 comments on Time to hide from the baby!

  1. Yes, the adoration is lovely but this phase lasts pretty long leh. My toddler at almost 16mo is still like this. One minute he’s happily playing by himself then when I walk past he comes running after me – and he won’t even walk holding my hand, must carry!

    My advice: the ergo or some similar carrier (if the sling is too hot or too lopsided).

  2. Wah, only you can find it delightful. ;-P

    When the baby can sit by herself, she will also do the cry for you when she sees you, wat.

    • No ley. Mine will mostly be like this in the bb stage only. Once they can crawl/walk, wah! so happy to be free and explore. Oh Ee Lin – I am home with them ALL the time so I think different from your case. Sam – if can sit, I can at least put her down while I am doing something and can use TWO hands not one.

  3. Mine still like that leh. Unless really I ask someone to take him OUT OF SIGHT. That’s why I can mostly do work only in the office. And that’s also why I always bring the baby out when I come back from office in the mornings. Bc or else, he’d want me to sit next to him … but if I am at the computer, he’ll start crawling over and stand at my chair from the bed (v dangerous) or if I read newspaper next to him, he’ll grab and tear & crumple. grr…

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