Sleep – How Much Do You Need?

Why do I ask this question? In the past month, I have had mothers asking me either about their babies/toddlers sleep or lack thereof or their own. There seems to be this concern about how much sleep a baby or toddler should have and how a mom is to cope with the lack of sleep. […] Read more…

What Kind of Attitude Do I Have?

Do you have a “I Can!” attitude or do you have a “I Cannot!” attitude? A Can-Do attitude makes life interesting and always exciting. The opposite attitude makes everything dreary and overwhelming. Which camp do you fall into? Recently, I have come across a few people with what I call a “victim mentality”. People who […] Read more…

Doing Devotionals With the Children

I have been asked many times what we do and what we use with the children for their devotional times with the Lord. Ahhh! Doing devotionals with the children can be very, very trying! Family Devotions – Fail! We used to do our Family Devotions once a week. Honestly, it was a t-o-r-t-u-r-e! Why? Well, […] Read more…

When spending quiet time with the Lord isn't that easy

Falling Off The Quiet Time Wagon

So after I wrote of The Necessity of Quiet Time, I fell off the Quiet Time wagon! Yeah, it is easier to write about spending quiet time with the Lord than actually doing it, isn’t it? Later, Later! I confess that in the midst of much busyness, the first thing to go is always Quiet Times […] Read more…

When Children Fall Sick

It is often very hard to watch your child being ill, more so when it is an infant who has a congested nose. The feeling of helplessness certainly frustrates me. But I have learnt over the years – and 5 children later – that there are certain things that can help. Besides continuous prayers over […] Read more…

Of Naps and Food

Many times, we rush our children to “grow up” before they are ready to and create unnecessary work (and stress!) for ourselves And yet, at other times, we hold back our children so that they are unable to progress. Aren’t parents funny creatures? Grow Up!- Food Many 1st time mums are eager to start their […] Read more…

If I Could Have Started All Over Again

When I got married, housework was easy. Our apartment was small and we were hardly in the house, as we were both working long hours in the office. My lack of cooking skills was a non-issue. We ate out every day – all 3 meals! Then we had our first born. And we decided that […] Read more…

Encouraging Sibling Closeness

We often hear about sibling rivalry and how to prevent it. But we almost never hear of sibling closeness and how to encourage it. It is as though preventing rivalry will cause the siblings to be close with another. Oh this is so not true! I am testimony of it. I don’t have any sibling […] Read more…

Lively and Active or Just Plain Naughty?

Have you heard the one that goes, “Oh my child is not naughty. He’s just a very active boy who’s very curious about the world.” All this said with pride in the voice Meanwhile, this wonderful child is jumping on your brand new sofa and trying to hit your child next to him with a […] Read more…

Reasoning with children. Are they matured enough to be reasoned with?

Using Reasoning vs Physical Punishment

Reasoning with children is only one of the many tools available to discipline our children but it needs to be used when a child has showed maturity. We do not reason with a 2 year old. We do not even reason with a 10 year old if she does not display the maturity.  Read more…

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