Children are Gifts From God

Gifts From God

God calls children a heritage and a reward. Children are gifts from God. But, do we agree with God’s view of children? Do we truly SEE them as gifts and rewards? Not just SAY that they are. Because words are cheap. When you see children as God does, how you mother your children will change. Read more…

I am just going to pray. Learning to trust God.

I Am Just Going to Pray

“I am just going to pray.” I am slowly but surely learning to say this and do this when faced with stressful situations. But it isn’t an easy lesson to learn at all. Worry is my default mode. But if I want the God of Peace to be with me. I need to do this. Read more…

Never Be A Christian is a post on how God rescued me from my self-inflated sense of self to realise that I do need a saviour. And He is GOOD!

Never Be A Christian

I said I would never be a Christian. But I have been one since 1994. What happened? Was it because of the Catholic school I went to or did I convert because I married a Christian man? NO. Then how did I end up accepting that Jesus is the ONLY way to God the Father? Why is an educated person following a religion that claims resurrection power?  Read more…

Never Have Children I promised myself! But God happened!

Never Have Children

I never wanted to have any children. But God has a sense of humour as you would have found out as you read through the other parts of this series. For someone who did not want any children, He gave seven. But God changed both our minds and hearts. Drastically. How? Read more…

Never Get Married. One of the 4 Nevers that God made me take back.

Never Get Married

I grew up in the 70s where the hippie, free-love movement coincided with the easy accessibility of The Pill. Since children were no longer a consequence of sex, what’s the point of marriage? Co-habitation for the win! Or so I thought. I happily lapped up the glamorous images and spiel spun by the media. I was sold. Getting married was so old school! But God had a better plan. Read more…

My 4 Nevers Board

My 4 Nevers

My 4 Nevers is part of a 5-part series of my testimony of how God changed my perspective and mindset on four of the things I used to say I would never do or be. Through it, I hope you’ll see that God’s plans for us are not only good but bigger than what we can ever imagine. And I think it will also help to explain why I do what I do today. Read more…

Parent in Faith Not Fear

Parent In Faith Not Fear

How can we parent in faith not fear when the world seems bent on attacking our children? The evil one is very busy and seems to be on a roll these days, aided by the world wide web, trying to get our children every which way he can. And because it gets really overwhelming, it is really easy to slip into parenting from fear and not faith. How can we not do that?  Read more…

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