Not passionate enough?

I just realised that I must be the most apathetic person around šŸ™‚ Although I am all for natural birthing, breastfeeding and homeschooling, among other things, I can’t bring myself to push it to others. Don’t get me wrong. If you come to me enthusiastic about any of those topics, I would most certainly share […] Read more…

No, my toddler does not know her colours

Hmmm…I just read off the AsiaParents list that someone is very worried coz his 14mth old is not able to tell his colours apart! And that the child is more interested in playing! Wow! I would have thought that if I had a child who was interested in colours, shapes it was a bonus. And […] Read more…

The Blame Game

Then the man said, “The woman whom You gave to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I ate.”Ā And the LORD God said to the woman, “What is this you have done?” The woman said, “The serpent deceived me, and I ate.” Genesis 3:12-13 Since the very beginning we have been blaming […] Read more…

And how was your reunion dinner?

I certainly hope it was more enjoyable than mine! Mil doesn’t cook nowadays so our reunion dinnerĀ was held at an old coffee- shop-cum-old-style-Chinese restaurant at Geylang! The dinner had a bad start as we had to wait 45 minutes for the 1st dish to be served. Imagine trying to be patient & quiet for 45 […] Read more…

A reminder…

Sorry to sound like a nag …. This is a reminder that the new URL for Building Up Moms is now I have given up trying to sort out the technicalities with the domain host. Despite having renewed the cost for the use of the domain name I still can’t get it to work […] Read more…

News Flash!

This is a reminder that you will haveĀ to bookmark our new url in view of the administrative and technical problems I am having with my domain host šŸ™ This is the new url I don’t think it would affect those who have subscribed to FeedBurner for updatesĀ but I can’t be sure. If it does, […] Read more…

Sling or Stroller?

For me, both are important! Please don’t ask me to choose as both have their advantages, depending on the situation I am in. I only discovered the sling when I had Child #2. And I have loved it since then. It meant that I could carry the baby and hold on to the toddler’s hand […] Read more…

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