
Date nights don't need to be sacrificed just because you can't afford or find a babysitter.

How Date Nights Can Happen Even Without Babysitters

Have a couple’s date night without a babysitter? Yes, it is possible if you would think out of the box for a solution and make it work for you. Date nights are more about re-connecting with your spouse as Man and Wife than eating at a fancy restaurant or watching a movie. Manage your expectations and you can enjoy regular date nights without any babysitters.  Read more…

Are the June holidays a time to bond and re-connect with your children or it is a time of dread? Don't waste it. Use it to get to know your children again.

June Holidays are Here Again!

Are the June holidays a time for you to bond with your children? Or is it a time of dread? Let me encourage you to see it as a fantastic time to re-connect with them. You can also help them detox from the stress of school and peer pressure. Let the holidays be a time for them to chill. Don’t pack it full of activities for the sake of getting them out of your hair.  Read more…

Socialisation and the sticky child. Do you have a sticky child? I did! I share 5 tips to encourage your child to step out of his comfort zone without stress.

5 ways to help your sticky child deal with social situations

Do you have a sticky child? I did! But don’t let anyone make you feel guilty that your child isn’t the life of the party. Or that he is unhappy being passed around. As long as you keep calm and keep encouraging, but not push your child to be sociable before he is ready, he will be fine. Find out how to gently encourage him to step out of his comfort zone.  Read more…

What legacy are you leaving behind?

What Legacy Are You Leaving Behind?

Indeed, what will our family, friends and colleagues say of us when we return to the Lord? We cannot dictate the legacy we leave behind, nor how history will remember us. But we can do our best to make sure that we have done our part. Read more…

Beauty and the Beast. To watch or not to watch?

Beauty and the Beast Brouhaha

So, unless you have been living under a rock, you would have read or heard about the “nice, exclusively gay moment” in Disney’s latest offering, Beauty and the Beast. So, are the conservatives really making a mountain out of a molehill? Or is there really an insidious plot to brainwash our children? How will YOU decide on this issue? Read more…

Too overwhelmed

Too Overwhelmed to Shower

Feeling too overwhelmed hits us every now and then. I totally get it. It could be due to a sudden change in circumstances. It could be due to money woes or even hormonal changes. This post is specifically for new mothers and mothers with high need babies. How Overwhelmed Have You Been? Just this week, […] Read more…

Encouraging sibling closeness and not rivalry. Don't play favourites!

Encouraging sibling closeness not rivalry

If there is only one lesson you get from this post, it will be this : don’t play favourites. It has long term repercussions. It may be difficult if you have one child that you constantly butt heads with. But you are the adult. BE the adult. Don’t play one child against another.

Sometimes we don’t think we are but to the children we are. (And yes, sometimes, they are being ridiculous). We just need to be aware of how certain actions and behaviours come across to the other children. Read more…

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