Searching for "health"

Slow, small and steady steps help you achieve your goals

Take Slow, Small, and Steady Steps to Achieve Your Goals

Why do so many people fail at their New Year resolutions? It is because the steps required to achieve their goals is unsustainable in the long run. In other words, they couldn’t keep up with the changes. They are over-ambitious and set up overly big goals that require too many changes to happen to get there. I say, “slow, small, and steady steps wins the race.” Read more…. Read more…

31 Days of Large Homeschooling Family

If I Can, You Can, Too!

So, lately I have heard the same thing over and over while reading up on blogging and health: If I can do it, you can too! Er…Nope. Yes, please do share your take on how something worked for you, but please do not think it is THE solution for the whole world. Because there is no one product or procedure that works for everyone. Read more…

31 Days of Large Homeschooling Family

No Snacking in Our Large Family

Just like the idea that juice and Ribena are a good healthy idea, I used to think kids needed snacks all day long. Well, they may when they are very young but snacks are not necessary as they grow up. And then snacking tends to become a habit which isn’t really healthy in the long run. Read more … Read more…

31 Days of Large Homeschooling Family

Dishing Out Advice When You Have a Large Family

There are lots of people out in the Internet world dishing out advice on anything and everything. And I know that people expect that someone with more children than them to be wiser than them. But that is not necessarily true. I have two pieces of advice for you. Especially as you walk through the teen years with your children. Read more … Read more…

31 Days of Large Homeschooling Family

31 Days of Living Life in a Large Homeschooling Family

So, I have decided to be brave and take on the Write 31 Challenge this year. I had heard about it late last year when the challenge had already ended so I just put my name down to be notified when the 2017 challenge came on. And so, a few weeks back I received the email that […] Read more…

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