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Inbox zero, decluttering emails. Join me!

Inbox Zero? Decluttering Emails

391 unread emails! Woah! While I am not aiming for a perfect inbox zero, I am intentionally decluttering emails this month. Newsletter subscriptions that no longer serve me this season are getting deleted furiously. How is your inbox doing? Is it time for you to do an email declutter? I have some tips on how to do so. Read more…

Guard Our Mind

Guard Our Minds

Our minds determine what we say and do. Therefore, it is important that we guard our minds. And we guard it by watching what we let in and what we feed it via what we read, watch or even listen to. Read more…

Preparing for the New Year

Preparing for the New Year

Everyone hopes that the new year will be better than the last. But few of us actually prepare for it to be so. We tend to just let the year happen and then gape in surprise when that year comes to a close. So here are some concrete steps we could all take to live a more intentional life. Because, as Antoine de Saint-Exupéry says, “a goal without a plan is just a wish.” Read more…

When they Prefer Junk Food

When They Prefer Junk Food

As young and very idealistic mothers, we all start out with the good intentions of only offering organic fresh and home-cooked meals. But our children grow up and horror of horrors, choose to eat junk food over our home-cooked foods. What gives? Should we have not bothered at all?  Read more…

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