Searching for "health"

10 Myths Debunked!

People often have certain thoughts going on in their heads when they see our family of 8 or hear that we have 6 children (no, no twins, thank you very much!). Then when they find out that we homeschool, have no maid and that dh is in fulltime ministry, their eyes grow bigger and they start […] Read more…

Dealing with rising costs

The price of everything seems to have gone up in a twinkling of an eye, hasn’t it? Flour (wheat), rice, fuel, milk………… So how does one cope with increasing costs but fixed salaries? There are many ways to deal with this situation. You either cut costs or increase your household income. Increasing one’s household income seems to […] Read more…

The Folly of Comparison

Do you ever feel that you are a failure and that everyone else has it all together except you? Happens to me all the time! Or have you ever visited someone’s website or blog and widen your eyes in amazement at the amount of stuff they have done or are doing with their child? And […] Read more…

Birth Story #2

I was determined this time round to not go in too early! But I didn’t know when to go in. Also I didn’t know what a waterbag bursting on its own felt like. Many told me that there will be a huge gush and the amniotic fluid would just flow non-stop. So armed with this […] Read more…

Dealing With Morning Sickness

By the grace of God, I have finally reached Week 18 of our 6th pregnancy. It’s been a long, long way! I have never felt sicker or more tired than in the 1st 16weeks of this pregnancy. It was so bad (for me) that I had to surrender and succumbed to getting a cleaning service […] Read more…

Why Is Breastfeeding Often So Difficult?

I must say upfront that I have been extremely blessed to have breastfed all 5 of our children with very little problems. Sure, I had soreness and bleeding in the early days with #1 and even #2. Then I had mastitis with #2 and blocked ducts with the rest, a nursing strike with #4 and […] Read more…

My breastfeeding journey of nursing 7 children in 14 years.

My Breastfeeding Journey

My breastfeeding journey started when my first child was born in 1998. I had a few months of break in between each child. My “baby” weaned in January 2012. I have been nursing for almost 14 years! I totally did not plan for it when I started out nursing my first born. All I wanted to was to give him what designed for babies right from the beginning. Read more…

Sleep training is a hot potato topic

Sleep Training

Before you even start to encourage your baby to sleep by himself, pray, pray, pray! Pray that the baby will develop good and healthy sleep habit quickly. Actually, it would have been better if you had prayed this even when baby was in the womb! But better late than never! And then, be consistent. Don’t confuse your baby.  Read more…

What Kind of Attitude Do I Have?

Do you have a “I Can!” attitude or do you have a “I Cannot!” attitude? A Can-Do attitude makes life interesting and always exciting. The opposite attitude makes everything dreary and overwhelming. Which camp do you fall into? Recently, I have come across a few people with what I call a “victim mentality”. People who […] Read more…

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