Searching for "family"

31 Days of Large Homeschooling Family

Managing Health in Our Large Family

Prevention is better than cure when it comes to managing health in our large family. Also, for us, I try to avoid medications as much as possible. But how? Sleep is critical. So is drinking lots of water. And then there are a few vitamins and supplements I automatically reach for when we fall sick. In this post, I share what we use. Read more…

31 Days of Large Homeschooling Family

Attending Church as a Large Family

The Lord’s Day. A day to worship the Lord and be with God’s family. And yet, attending church with a large family can be often everything but that. But mom in the trenches, keep keeping on! Because soon you WILL get to sit and listen to the sermons. You WILL get to chat with other adults without being interrupted. Hang in there! Read more…

31 Days of Large Homeschooling Family

31 Days of Living Life in a Large Homeschooling Family

So, I have decided to be brave and take on the Write 31 Challenge this year. I had heard about it late last year when the challenge had already ended so I just put my name down to be notified when the 2017 challenge came on. And so, a few weeks back I received the email that […] Read more…

When NS comes a-calling : our family’s experience

So on 3rd October 2016, we entered into a new season of our parenting journey – releasing our oldest son into National Service (NS). By law, all male Singaporeans and Permanent Residents must enlist the year they turn 18. No exceptions. You may only delay enlistment if you have been offered a place in any […] Read more…

Cooking for a large family

When either dh or I go grocery shopping, we obviously buy a lot. We fill up either the NTUC supermarket trolley or our own large trolley the brim. The wet market sellers know me and no longer bat an eye at my huge orders. But recently at the wet market, while I was placing my […] Read more…

trapeze Swinging during our family vacation 2014

Family Vacation 2014

For our family vacation this year, we decided to go back to Club Med Bintan, Indonesia. This is mostly because of the wonderful spread of food and the wide range of activities available at the resort. These are important deciding factors for us since we need to cater to a wide range of ages: 5 to 16 this year and a wide range of preferences.  Read more…

Travelling as a large family

Every year, we try to take a family vacation. But as the family size has grown, it has become more challenging to do so. The venue we choose needs to fulfill certain criteria such as : 1. be a destination that has wide range of activities that can cater to both teens and pre-schoolers. 2. […] Read more…

Swimming is non-negotiable

Why Swimming is a Non-Negotiable in Our Family

Swimming is non-negotiable in our family. It is a skill that we have decided the children must learn. Why? In a nutshell, it is a safety issue. In a large family with many young children, we cannot keep an eye on all of them all of the time whenever we are at the swimming pool. But why do we need to go to the pool you may ask? Read more…

Yes, that’s our family in the Sunday Times

And yes, we are expecting our 7th child. 🙂 In case you missed the article, it is at the moment still available online at : I am not sure how long this link is for though. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ […] Read more…

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