Searching for "family"

Preparing Older Sibling For Baby’s Arrival

14 ways to help prepare older sibling for baby’s arrival. We have been most blessed that none of the children exhibited any animosity against each new baby that we added to the family. In this post, I have provided 14 ways we have done it, giving you an alternative view on how to handle preparing an older child for the arrival of the baby, instead of resigning yourself to sibling jealousy as a guaranteed outcome. Read more…

Organising Your Kitchen

A Place for Everything and Everything In Its Place is a mantra that most home makers are familiar with and if you are not, you should be! It is the key to organisation!This is helpful whether you are looking at organising your Living Room or your Kitchen. In our home, my kitchen is actually the […] Read more…

My Nesting Instinct

Everytime we are blessed with a child, our home gets a revamp.Once the 1st trimester blahs go away, my new burst of energy almost always leads to the re-organising and de-cluttering of the home. This nesting mode often makes my dh very wary since he is the one who has to haul the furniture around […] Read more…

Having A Routine Helps

Our home tends to run like clockwork here, much to the horror of those who prefer a free and spontaneous lifestyle! Now, if you are happy having each day surprise you, do not read today’s posting! But if you are wondering how to bring organisation to chaos, read on and see if what helps me […] Read more…

It's time to declutter again!

Time To De-Clutter Again!

With a larger than normal family size, space is a premium product in this house! Many friends have commented that our house is large by average standards. Yes it is, but we do not have an average-sized family. So we still need to de-clutter again and again to ensure that it is a liveable space not a cramped one.  Read more…

Planning ahead eliminates the dreaded "So what's for dinner?" question.

So What Is For Dinner?

Do you get variation of this question daily? “Mama, what’s for dinner?” “Mama, what are you cooking for lunch?” Food, a major preoccupation with Singaporeans and a touchy topic with parents – always concerned about the amount their children are eating or not eating. Many days I wish we didn’t have to eat. Just pop […] Read more…

Contact Serene

Thank you for your interest in my website. I will try my best to respond as quickly as possible. However, please note that we are a family of 9 and I need to fulfill my role as wife and mother first. I tend to only work on the blog on Fridays and Saturdays. So do […] Read more…


The Building Up Moms Story When I answered the call to start blogging back in 2005, it was to write and share what I have learnt to not just survive but thrive as a then new homeschooling mother of 5 children, aged 7 and below. As I slowly got into the swing of things, the […] Read more…

Start Here

Hi! New to the blog? Came over from social media? Or perhaps a friend forwarded you a link? What will you find here? The main purpose of this blog is to offer encouragement to the weary mom, regardless of the stage or season of her life. Especially Christian stay-at-home-mothers. For what it is worth, I know how […] Read more…

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