Searching for "faith"

Parenting Teens requires us to pray without ceasing

Parenting Teens – Pray Without Ceasing

The teen years is an unpredictable season. One moment you think you have it nailed and the next you feel like an absolute failure.
And because what “works” today may not the next, I don’t think it is responsible of me to share it as if it is even a solution. It could very well have been a fluke shot. So how now? Read more …. Read more…

31 Days of Large Homeschooling Family

All these Children in Our Large Family

I can’t even start to guess the number of times we have had to field comments such as, “Have you always wanted a large family?” and the one that makes Henson and I laugh most, “You must love children very much!” We have all these children because sometime back when we had 2 children, we chose to trust God with our family size and spacing. Read more…

31 Days of Large Homeschooling Family

Attending Church as a Large Family

The Lord’s Day. A day to worship the Lord and be with God’s family. And yet, attending church with a large family can be often everything but that. But mom in the trenches, keep keeping on! Because soon you WILL get to sit and listen to the sermons. You WILL get to chat with other adults without being interrupted. Hang in there! Read more…

Living a Purposeful Life

In order to live a purposeful life, we need to first know what the Lord has called us to and then to live our lives doing our best to fulfil our calling. Let us not waste our time here on earth with meaningless and fruitless activities. And in the process, descend into depression and a woe-is-me mentality. Read more…

31 Days of Large Homeschooling Family

31 Days of Living Life in a Large Homeschooling Family

So, I have decided to be brave and take on the Write 31 Challenge this year. I had heard about it late last year when the challenge had already ended so I just put my name down to be notified when the 2017 challenge came on. And so, a few weeks back I received the email that […] Read more…

Say "YES, Lord!" when God calls and go do it scared. He is with you. When God calls, He equips.

Say “YES, Lord!”

Have you ever felt God calling you to do something but you held back? Perhaps even chose to say “NO” immediately? Why “NO”? Why did you do that? Was it because it is something out of your comfort zone? Or perhaps it was something that required too much from you? Too much time, too much […] Read more…

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