Searching for "faith"

Children Imitate Us. What kind of examples are we being to them?

Children Imitate Us

Like it or not, our children imitate us. They copy what we say and do, which then begs the question: what kind of examples are we to them? Should they be imitating us? Read more…

Mid-Year Review

Mid-Year Review

June is a great time to do a mid-year review or a stock take of what’s happened so far. Are you on track to fulfilling your assignments from the Lord? And hitting the goals you set up at the beginning of the year? Or do you need to tweak things to get to the end of the year triumphant? Don’t waste the rest of the year rushing around like a headless chicken and accomplishing nothing.  Read more…

Resilience and adaptability

Resilience and Adaptability

How do we build resilience and adaptability in ourselves and our children? They are valuable life skills we need to impart to our children. And it has to do with changing our mindsets and renewing our minds. Read more…

Pivot or Press On in this season of upheaval?

Pivot or Press On?

Many in the internet world is advising us to pivot not panic, or to pivot and pause in this season of upheaval. But what if we are not to pivot but to press on and maybe even dig deeper instead? Read more…

A Mothers Day Reminder.

A Mother’s Day Reminder

Let us be reminded this Mother’s Day: do not underestimate the immense influence (and power even!) we have as mothers, over our children. Whether we are full-time stay at home mothers or working mothers, our choices, our behaviour and our values, all influence and affect our children. Even when we are unaware of it. Read more…

Subscribe Now Landing Page

Have You Subscribed?

Have you subscribed? Sending out emails is a much more effective use of my time than churning out new blog posts every week this season. Don’t miss out on your weekly dose of encouragement on motherhood, homeschooling, homemaking, raising children and growing our faith. Hit subscribe now! Read more…

Write It Down

Write It Down

How do you remember what you need and want to remember? Be it your daily to-do list or your memories. Do you have a Brain Dump notebook? A Memory Journal?  Read more…

Featured Image for Homeschooling After PSLE.

Homeschooling After PSLE

A common question homeschoolers in Singapore get and even ask each other during the PSLE year and especially after PSLE is, “Are you going to continue homeschooling after PSLE? I address common questions raised when you say you are going to homeschool beyond PSLE plus the pros and cons of doing so. Read more…

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