Month: April 2015


Since Chinese New Year’s Eve which hit us on 18th February 2015, I feel like life has been on a go! go! go! loop that I can’t get out of. This introvert is feeling overstimulated and wishing there was a cave she can disappear into for a week! Meeting relatives, having meals with them, and […] Read more…

Cook Once, Eat Twice is an easier way to keep the freezer stocked up rather than once a month freezer cooking.

Cook Once, Eat Twice

Cook once, eat twice is being re-explored to build up a stash of freezer meals. The method in a nutshell, has you cooking once but you double (or triple) the portion. Then you eat one portion immediately that day and freeze the other portion/s for another day’s meal. If you consistently do that, you will soon build up a stash of freezer meals without too much effort. Read more…