Month: January 2009

Pregnancy Musings – Craving for Milk

In the last 3 pregnancies, I would develop a craving for milk in my 2nd trimester.This is really weird for me coz I am generally lactose intolerant and develop very congested sinuses whenever I drink milk on a normal day. The congestion in my nose gets even worse in my 1st trimester so I would […] Read more…

Diary of Pregnancy #6 – Things I’d Learnt

Everytime we are blessed with a pregnancy, I learn many things. Some pleasant, some not. Some practical, others spiritual. But all ultimately to bring me to a closer relationship to God.These are what I learnt this time round : 1. God is in control. No matter how much we fight it, it is God who’s […] Read more…

Pregnancy Musings – RRL Tea

Since I discovered red raspberry leaf tea (RRL tea) with my 4th pregnancy, I have always drunk it diligently with the subsequent pregnancies. It has most certainly helped ME. I wrote about it HERE and I have bought my stash of RRL Tea from Moms In Mind (it has since ceased operations) as well as from […] Read more…

Diary of Pregnancy #7 – Week 16

At last! I hit Week 16!Sometime last week I started to feel much better. Nausea was not all day but the exhaustion was still there. When I finally hit Week 16, I felt even better. But I suddenly required 2 naps a day! Well, I still feel nauseous on and off. But I know what […] Read more…

Pregnancy Musings – Maternity Clothing

For moms of many, it is a common fact of life that we start showing much earlier with subsequent pregnancies than we did with our first few. Well, unless one was really hardworking to make sure our abdominal muscles are really tightened up and strong after each childbirth. Yes, yes, I know. We wish eh?And […] Read more…

Pregnancy Musings – Braxton Hicks

According to BabyCenter, Braxton Hicks contractions (BH) start as early as 6weeks but most moms don’t feel them till much later.Let me tell you that as a mom of many, I do feel them that early! And it always amazes me since the uterus is barely grown at that stage. But yep. I feel them […] Read more…

Pregnancy Musings – Age matters!

Pregnancy at 28 is different from pregnancy at 39! A first pregnancy is different from a 7th pregnancy. The nausea (non-existent in my 1st pregnancy) has gotten worse with each subsequent pregnancy. The backache (non-existent in my 1st pregnancy) has gotten worse with each pregnancy. The energy I had with my 1st pregnancy is non-existent […] Read more…

Another Supernatural Childbirth

Praise God!Another lady who attended our Experiencing God In Pregnancy talk gave birth early this month and she had an awesome birth! No pain! I am just beaming with joy for her and awed by the awesome-ness of our God. Check out her birth story on her blog at Precious Memories. Read more…

A Supernatural Childbirth

A friend just birthed and had a wonderful time. It was painfree though tiring labour and birth experience.I am just so pleased for her. Since 2004, dh ( and I have been sharing our birth experiences at Wesley Methodist Church under the title Experiencing God In Pregnancy. She was so keen to make this work […] Read more…

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